[gmx-users] antifreeze particle in martini coarse-grained

mohammad agha mra_bu at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 13 14:56:30 CET 2011

Dear Prof. 

I have a doubt about my way to add antifreeze water to my system, also I think my question looks silly but please help me for more certainty.
I changed "W" to "WF" in water.gro file of water that I downloaded from MARTINI site and named that antifreezewater.gro , and with below command added antifreeze water to my system:
# genbox -cp -------.gro -cs antifreezewater.gro -o --------.gro -maxsol 1000
Already I had added water.gro to my system with the same command.
May I know that I am right or wrong and if I'm wrong please say me the right way?

Best Regards
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