[gmx-users] lactam bridge problems

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Tue Feb 1 19:57:43 CET 2011

Jerez Te wrote:
>     I want to create a peptide bond between glu and lys using Gromacs
>     4.5.3. One option that I have is to modify the topology file (bonds,
>     angles, etc.) but I also want to do a number of these lactam bridges
>     so it is a pain to make the bonds, delete the atoms in glu and lys
>     that are not needed and renumber the .itp and .gro files.
>     The other option is to add the lactam glu (LCE) and lactam lys (LCK)
>     as residues to the force field. So far I have added LCE and LCK to
>     gromos53a6 and opls-aa but i always get the same error: "Atom HZ1
>     not found in rtp database in residue LCK, it looks a bit like HZ" -
>     there is no HZ1 in all my files but pdb2gmx seem to be looking for it.
>     The naming is consistent (HZ is specified in the .rtp files, in the
>     pdb file). Here are the modiifcation that I made involving gromos53a6.
>     Following the "Adding a residue to a force field section" in the
>     gromacs website
>     1.)
>     -------- In aminoacids.rtp (I'm just showing LCK)
>     [ LCK ]
>      [ atoms ]
>         N     N    -0.31000     0
>         H     H     0.31000     0
>        CA   CH1     0.00000     1
>        CB   CH2     0.00000     1
>        CG   CH2     0.00000     2
>        CD   CH2     0.00000     2
>        CE   CH2     0.00000     3
>        NZ     N    -0.31000     3 ; same atom type as amide N
>        HZ     H     0.31000     3 ; same atom type as amide H
>         C     C       0.450     4
>         O     O      -0.450     4
>      [ bonds ]
>         N     H    gb_2
>         N    CA    gb_21
>        CA    CB    gb_27
>        CA     C    gb_27
>        CB    CG    gb_27
>        CG    CD    gb_27
>        CD    CE    gb_27
>        CE    NZ    gb_21 ; same bond as N-CA
>        NZ    HZ    gb_2 ; same bond as N-H
>         C     O    gb_5
>         C    +N    gb_10
>      [ angles ]
>     ;  ai    aj    ak   gromos type
>        -C     N     H     ga_32
>        -C     N    CA     ga_31
>         H     N    CA     ga_18
>         N    CA    CB     ga_13
>         N    CA     C     ga_13
>        CB    CA     C     ga_13
>        CA    CB    CG     ga_15
>        CB    CG    CD     ga_15
>        CG    CD    CE     ga_15
>        CD    CE    NJ     ga_15
>        CE    NJ    HJ     ga_31
>        CA     C     O     ga_30
>        CA     C    +N     ga_19
>         O     C    +N     ga_33
>      [ impropers ]
>     ;  ai    aj    ak    al   gromos type
>         N    -C    CA     H     gi_1
>        CA     N     C    CB     gi_2
>         C    CA    +N     O     gi_1
>      [ dihedrals ]
>     ;  ai    aj    ak    al   gromos type
>       -CA    -C     N    CA     gd_14
>        -C     N    CA     C     gd_39
>         N    CA    CB    CG     gd_34
>         N    CA     C    +N     gd_40
>        CA    CB    CG    CD     gd_34
>        CB    CG    CD    CE     gd_34
>        CG    CD    CE    NJ     gd_34
>        CD    CE    NJ    HJ     gd_29
>     2.) HBD has been update
>     LCK     2
>     1       1       H       N       -C      CA
>     2       4       HZ      NZ      CE      CD
>     3.) no new atom types introduced atomtypes.atp and ffnonbonded.itp
>     not modified. Note: I did try introducing new atom types in a
>     previous attempt (not on this attempt) but I still get the same
>     error above.   
>     4.) no new bond types introduced (ffbonded.itp is not modified).
>     5.) In residuetypes.dat (the new residues were declared)
>     LCK     Protein
>     LCE     Protein
>     6.) specbond.dat (the peptide bond was introduced)
>     LCE     CD      1       LCK     NZ      1       0.133   LCTM    LCTM
>     It seems like pdb2gmx is still looking at my new residues as if they
>     were lys and glu and that might be the source of the error (In my
>     original pdb file, LCE and LCK were used so the error does not come
>     from there and the atom names are also consistent).
>     Here's a portion of the pdb file that I used:
>     ATOM   1759  N   LCK B  20      -3.985  -0.668   6.218  1.00
>     20.00           N
>     ATOM   1760  CA  LCK B  20      -3.534  -1.515   5.127  1.00
>     20.00           C
>     ATOM   1761  C   LCK B  20      -2.096  -1.976   5.372  1.00
>     20.00           C
>     ATOM   1762  O   LCK B  20      -1.823  -3.174   5.413  1.00
>     20.00           O
>     ATOM   1763  HA  LCK B  20      -4.173  -2.398   5.113  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1764  CB  LCK B  20      -3.662  -0.780   3.790  1.00
>     20.00           C
>     ATOM   1765 1HB  LCK B  20      -4.701  -0.500   3.623  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1766 2HB  LCK B  20      -3.084   0.143   3.823  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1767  CG  LCK B  20      -3.171  -1.655   2.635  1.00
>     20.00           C
>     ATOM   1768 1HG  LCK B  20      -2.125  -1.918   2.792  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1769 2HG  LCK B  20      -3.735  -2.588   2.616  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1770  CD  LCK B  20      -3.326  -0.932   1.296  1.00
>     20.00           C
>     ATOM   1771 1HD  LCK B  20      -3.061   0.119   1.413  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1772 2HD  LCK B  20      -2.635  -1.356   0.567  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1773  CE  LCK B  20      -4.760  -1.047   0.774  1.00
>     20.00           C
>     ATOM   1774 1HE  LCK B  20      -4.973  -2.081   0.503  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1775 2HE  LCK B  20      -5.463  -0.771   1.560  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1776  NZ  LCK B  20      -4.955  -0.170  -0.403  1.00
>     20.00           N
>     ATOM   1777  HZ  LCK B  20      -5.909  -0.258  -0.736  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     ATOM   1778  HN  LCK B  20      -3.255  -0.255   6.762  1.00
>     20.00           H
>     Any suggestion as to how to solve this error? 

I will assume that you're using -ignh with pdb2gmx?  Otherwise, you'd be getting 
a fatal error about about HN not being found in the .rtp entry.  You've 
constructed your .hdb file such that pdb2gmx is going to try to add 2 HZ atoms 
(thus HZ1 and HZ2), and hence the fatal error.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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