[gmx-users] How to include specific atom in force field ffG43a1
Justin A. Lemkul
jalemkul at vt.edu
Sun Feb 6 14:08:46 CET 2011
Rini Gupta wrote:
> Dear gmx users,
> I am using gromacs (version 4.0.7) first time
> to setup a 2-butoxyethanol-water simulation.
> I created topology and coordinate file for BE using PRODRG server.
> Then a generated a box containing 20 BE and 480 water molecules using
> genbox.
> Now, when I am trying to do energy minimization using ffG43a1 force
> field it is giving error message :
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Program grompp_d_mpi, VERSION 4.0.7
> Source code file: toppush.c, line: 947
> Fatal error:
> Atomtype CS2 not found
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> While searching through gmx-users mailing list I understand that my
> force field I am using doesn't contain atom type CS2.
> My question is can I add this particular atom type to force field file
> I want to use.
> If so how? or
You do not need to.
> I have to use different force field having already this entry (CS2)
> like ffgmx, ffgmx2 ?
The topology you wrote from PRODRG is for ffgmx. This is a very outdated force
field that the manual warns very clearly against using.
> It was wriiten on GROMACS website somewhere PRODRG server generate
> topologies compatible to ffgmx/GROMOS96 43A1
The original PRODRG creates ffgmx topologies. PRODRG 2.5 (beta) can generate
43A1 topologies, but neither is very trustworthy:
> force fields. But energy minimization is completed only when I am using
> ffgmx force field.
> I am using following topology file:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> ; Include forcefield parameters
> #include "ffG43a1.itp"
> [ moleculetype ]
> ; Name nrexcl
> DRG 3
> [ atoms ]
> ; nr type resnr resid atom cgnr charge mass
> 1 CH3 1 DRG CAA 1 -0.016 15.0350
> 2 CH2 1 DRG CAB 1 0.016 14.0270
> 3 CH2 1 DRG CAC 2 0.000 14.0270
> 4 CS2 1 DRG CAD 3 0.140 14.0270
> 5 OS 1 DRG OAE 3 -0.280 15.9994
> 6 CS2 1 DRG CAF 3 0.140 14.0270
> 7 CH2 1 DRG CAG 4 0.065 14.0270
> 8 OA 1 DRG OAH 4 -0.094 15.9994
> 9 HO 1 DRG HAA 4 0.029 1.0080
These charges really make no sense. Please refer to the paper linked above for
the consequences of incorrect charges.
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
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