[gmx-users] lateral pressure analysis

Adwait Mevada adwait at imsc.res.in
Sun Feb 13 11:07:09 CET 2011

Dear gmx-users,
sorry for this repeated mail, the previous one did not have proper subject.

I am using gromacs 3.3.3 for my current simulations. using it i have  
already gotten the
trajectory file, but i have to do a lateral pressure analysis. I have  
come to know
through the forum that there is gromacs 3.0.2. version which has this  
facility, i have
downloaded it.
my question is do i have to generate a new trajectory using gromacs  
version 3.0.2 to do
lateral pressure analysis
Is it fine to analyse gromacs trajectory ( from gromacs 3.3.3 ) with  
gromacs 3.0.2

my other question is how do i go about doing lateral pressure analysis?
 From what i understand
i have to use rerun option in mdrun to do the analysis, so is this correct

mdrun -rerun -f 512dppc_chol.trr -s 512dppc_chol.tpr -o  

is there a tool like g_lateral_pressure which i have to use after the  
above step?

please note that i am using martini coarse grained force field for my  

Thank you for your help

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