[gmx-users] charge group radii- use maxwarn or increase rlist?

Moeed lecielll at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 28 23:48:53 CET 2011

Dear Justin,

Thank you for your message. My objective is to calculate interaction
energies between polymer (polyethylene) and hydrocarbon solvent ( also FE
calculations). I am using rlist of 1.1 nm.

1- Do I need to increase rlist ( to 1.4 nm) to overcome the error message?

2- As with the electrostatics treatment in my hydrocarbon system ( only C
and H) I was
unsure if I need to include electrostatics potentials (although there exist
partial charges).
I digged into the literature and found the following articles containing
nonpolar polymers
where vdw is the only nonbonded term in the FF. Thats why I switched that
term off. I appreciate your comments/idea on this.





pbc              =  xyz
energygrps          =  PE HEX

;        Run control
integrator          =  md
dt                  =  0.002
nsteps              =  500000 ;5000
nstcomm             =  100

;        Output control
nstenergy           =  100
nstxout             =  100
nstvout             =  0
nstfout             =  0
nstlog              =  1000
nstxtcout          =  1000

;        Neighbor searching
nstlist             =  10
ns_type             =  grid

;        Electrostatics/VdW
;;;;coulombtype         =  PME
vdw-type            =  Shift
rcoulomb-switch     =  0
rvdw-switch         =  0.9 ;0

;        Cut-offs
rlist               =  1.1
rcoulomb            =  1.1 ;1.0
rvdw                =  1.0

;        Temperature coupling
Tcoupl              =  v-rescale
tc-grps             =  System
tau_t               =  0.1     ;0.1
ref_t               =  400     ;300

;        Velocity generation
gen_vel             =  yes
gen_temp            =  300.0
gen_seed            =  173529

;        Bonds
constraints             = all-bonds
constraint-algorithm = lincs


On 28 February 2011 17:12, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:

> Moeed wrote:
>> Dear experts,
>> Please kindly comment on this error. Thank you very much.
>> I am getting the known charge group radii error. (in 4.0.7 version with
>> the same settings my simulations run with no error)
>> ==========================
>> NOTE 1 [file md.mdp]:
>>  The sum of the two largest charge group radii (0.205676) is larger than
>>  rlist (1.100000) - rvdw (1.000000)
>> There was 1 note
>> . . .
>> turning all bonds into constraints...              turning all bonds into
>> constraints...
>> Largest charge group radii for Van der Waals: 0.103, 0.103 nm    This run
>> will generate roughly 317 Mb of data
>> ===================================
>> This error has been discussed several times on the archive after release
>> of 4.5.3. Please note that my charge groups are CH3 and CH2 only! . To treat
>> this error I dont know If I need to increase rlist (as suggested in the
>> first link below) or use maxwarn -1 ( second link). How can I diagnose which
>> one to choose?
>> http://lists.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2011-January/057830.html
>> http://lists.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2011-January/057980.html
> In the latter case, the problem was a result of groups being split by PBC.
>  This is not your problem.  Be careful about taking posts out of context.
> It's usually better to increase rlist for proper energy conservation.  You
> haven't posted your .mdp file (which is usually pretty important for
> understanding what's going on), but I'll assume you're using some sort of
> switch or shift function for either van der Waals or Coulombic interactions.
>  In this case, the manual is pretty clear about proper use, although you
> appear to not be using any charges at all.  How does that make sense?  What
> is your objective? Even OPLS hydrophobic moieties should have small partial
> charges across C-H bonds.
> -Justin
>  ==================================================
>> charge groups of solute:
>>     1   opls_135      1   EthB     C1      1          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     2   opls_140      1   EthB    H11      1          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     3   opls_140      1   EthB    H12      1          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     4   opls_140      1   EthB    H13      1          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     5   opls_136      1   EthB     C2      2          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     6   opls_140      1   EthB    H21      2          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     7   opls_140      1   EthB    H22      2          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     8   opls_136      1   EthB     C3      3          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>     9   opls_140      1   EthB    H31      3          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>    10   opls_140      1   EthB    H32      3          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>    11   opls_136      1   EthB     C4      4          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>    12   opls_140      1   EthB    H41      4          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>>    13   opls_140      1   EthB    H42      4          0      1.008   ;
>> qtot 0
>> ==================================
>> Thanks
>> moeed
> --
> ========================================
> Justin A. Lemkul
> Ph.D. Candidate
> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
> ========================================
> --
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Moeed Shahamat
Graduate Student (Materials Modeling Research Group)
McGill University- Department of Chemical Engineering
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B2, Canada
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