[gmx-users] Umbrella sampling of phosphate ion binding

bharat gupta bharat.85.monu at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 03:28:38 CEST 2011

I found it in the /shared/top/ gmx.ff folder . Here's the file

; Force field based on GROMOS with new charges as described in
; D. van der Spoel, K.A. Feenstra, M.A. Hemminga and H.J.C. Berendsen:
; Molecular modeling of the RNA binding N-terminal part of cowpea chlorotic
; mottle virus coat protein in solution with phosphate ions
; Biophys. J. 71 pp. 2920-2932 (1996)
[ moleculetype ]
; name  nrexcl
h2po4    4

[ atoms ]
;   nr    type   resnr  residu    atom    cgnr        charge          mass
; use charges from Janez Mavri
     1      OA       1     PI       O1       1        -0.777
     2      OA       1     PI       O2       1        -0.777
     3      OM       1     PI       O3       1        -0.943
     4      OM       1     PI       O4       1        -0.943
     5       P       1     PI        P       1         1.596
     6      HO       1     PI       H1       1         0.422
     7      HO       1     PI       H2       1         0.422

[ bonds ]
;  ai    aj funct           c0           c1
    5     1     1 1.637000e-01
    5     2     1 1.637000e-01
    5     3     1 1.478000e-01
    5     4     1 1.478000e-01
    6     1     1 0.943000e-01
    7     2     1 0.943000e-01

[ angles ]
;  ai    aj    ak funct           c0     c1
    2     5     1     1 1.015000e+02     400
    3     5     1     1 1.059000e+02
    4     5     1     1 1.082000e+02
    3     5     2     1 1.059000e+02
    4     5     2     1 1.082000e+02
    4     5     3     1 1.248000e+02
    6     1     5     1 1.082000e+02
    7     2     5     1 1.082000e+02

[ dihedrals ]
;  ai    aj    ak    al funct
    6     1     5     2     1
    7     2     5     1     1

Can I use it or not ??

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:26 AM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:

> bharat gupta wrote:
>> does the gromacs force field has topology and ff parameter for H2PO4(-)
>> ion . As I have derived both topology and FF parameter from prodrug
> Probably not; check the .rtp file for your desired force field.
>  server and after checking the topology I found that it has deleted of the
>> hydrogen.
> See the PRODRG FAQ; this gets asked all the time.
> http://davapc1.bioch.dundee.**ac.uk/prodrg/prodrg_faq.html<http://davapc1.bioch.dundee.ac.uk/prodrg/prodrg_faq.html>
> No matter what PRODRG gives you, the charges will probably be useless
> anyway:
> http://www.gromacs.org/**Downloads/Related_Software/**PRODRG#Tips<http://www.gromacs.org/Downloads/Related_Software/PRODRG#Tips>
> So you're in for the difficult process of parameterization if no one's
> already developed parameters for your molecule:
> http://www.gromacs.org/**Documentation/How-tos/**Parameterization<http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/How-tos/Parameterization>
> -Justin
>  On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu<mailto:
>> jalemkul at vt.edu>> wrote:
>>    bharat gupta wrote:
>>        Hi Justin,
>>        I am having following doubts regarding umbrella sampling of
>>        phosphate ion binding to my protein .
>>        1. As per the tutorial, I need to fix an immobile reference. In
>>        my case which region do I have to fix as my protein consists of
>>        one single chain. Since  I am studying the binding and unbinding
>>        of ion, shall I fix the ion fixed. If it's so, then do I have to
>>        give a different chain name for it as my complex doesnot chain
>>        name for ion/ligand.
>>    You don't need an immobile reference just because my tutorial did.
>>     I had a particular need to do so.  For your purpose, I highly doubt
>>    it's necessary. You're looking at small molecule-protein
>>    interactions, not protein-protein interactions.
>>        2. What should be the size of box and how do I know where to
>>        place the protein's COM in box (the precise location).
>>    The absolute COM is somewhat irrelevant; all distances during
>>    pulling are relative.  You can place the protein in a certain
>>    location in the box for convenience if you like.  The box size must
>>    be greater than twice the pull distance, as explained in the
>>    tutorial.  The amount that you wish to pull will dictate both the
>>    location of the protein and the box size.
>>    -Justin
>>    --     ==============================**__==========
>>    Justin A. Lemkul
>>    Ph.D. Candidate
>>    ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>    MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>    Department of Biochemistry
>>    Virginia Tech
>>    Blacksburg, VA
>>    jalemkul[at]vt.edu <http://vt.edu> | (540) 231-9080
>>    http://www.bevanlab.biochem.__**vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin<http://vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin>
>>    <http://www.bevanlab.biochem.**vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin<http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin>
>> >
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>> --
>> Bharat
>> Ph.D. Candidate
>> Room No. : 7202A, 2nd Floor
>> Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory
>> Division of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science
>> Pusan National University
>> Busan -609735
>> South Korea
>> Lab phone no. - +82-51-510-3680, +82-51-583-8343
>> Mobile no. - 010-5818-3680
>> E-mail : monu46010 at yahoo.com <mailto:monu46010 at yahoo.com>
> --
> ==============================**==========
> Justin A. Lemkul
> Ph.D. Candidate
> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.**vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin<http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin>
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Ph.D. Candidate
Room No. : 7202A, 2nd Floor
Biomolecular Engineering Laboratory
Division of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science
Pusan National University
Busan -609735
South Korea
Lab phone no. - +82-51-510-3680, +82-51-583-8343
Mobile no. - 010-5818-3680
E-mail : monu46010 at yahoo.com
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