[gmx-users] reg PME usage

Mark Abraham Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Mon Jun 13 10:32:23 CEST 2011

On 13/06/2011 6:18 PM, vidhya sankar wrote:
> Dear mark,
>                  I am Typing  the Literature Word, as such
> Although the PME is prefered way to treat Long rang electrostatic 
> interaction
>  it was not used Here Since the overall Charge of Solvated system Had 
> non zero value (-12)

Google around - this issue has been discussed in many places already.

> Also counter ion usually NA+ and CL- added to Neutralize the system 
> Would interfere the system.

Why? Was that a reasonable model of their system? Does that apply to 
your problem?

> The Non bonded interaction were treated using a set of Cutoffs 
> .Distance Cutoff in generating the list of pairs was set to 12.0 
> Amstrong .
> At 11 Amstrong the switching function Eliminated  all the contribution 
> to the overall energy  from pairwise interactions  At.10 Amstrong the 
> smoothing function began to reduce pair's contribution
> How could i implement the above protocol for my system in  .mdp file

By reading the manual sections that describe the interaction algorithms 
and parameters that work in them, and doing tutorial material to see 
some things in action - even if they're not things you think you want now.

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