[gmx-users] Regarding PDB file

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Thu Jun 30 15:36:59 CEST 2011

Ravi Kumar Venkatraman wrote:
> Dear All,
>              To remove water of crystallization from pdb files. I 
> removed following things from pdb file.
> REMARK   3   SOLVENT ATOMS            : 78
> .............................................................
> .............................................................
> HETATM 1072  O   HOH A 199      16.684  13.594  -5.832  0.31 
> 18.51           O
> HETATM 1073  O   HOH A 200      27.534  38.059 -12.862  0.48 
> 18.19           O
> HETATM 1074  O   HOH A 201      25.892  35.973  11.563  0.46 
> 18.15           O
> HETATM 1075  O   HOH A 202      24.790  25.182  16.063  0.46 
> 17.64           O
> HETATM 1076  O   HOH A 203      12.580  21.214   5.006  0.51 
> 17.97           O
> HETATM 1077  O   HOH A 204      19.687  23.750  -4.851  0.37 
> 18.08           O
> HETATM 1078  O   HOH A 205      27.098  35.956 -12.358  0.39 
> 18.71           O
> HETATM 1079  O   HOH A 206      37.255   9.634  10.002  0.46 
> 18.39           O
> HETATM 1080  O   HOH A 207      43.755  23.843   8.038  0.38 
> 17.96           O
> CONECT   48  981
> CONECT  238  889
> CONECT  513  630
> CONECT  601  724
> CONECT  630  513
> CONECT  724  601
> CONECT  889  238
> CONECT  981   48
> Is this right or I have to delete some other things also.

The only lines you absolutely must remove are the coordinate entries.  REMARK 
and CONECT lines are ignored by pdb2gmx and most other Gromacs programs.



Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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