[gmx-users] No cut-off

Itamar Kass itamar.kass at monash.edu
Thu Mar 24 03:34:40 CET 2011

Hi Swarnendu,

grompp will return errer unless rlist=rcoulomb=rvdw=0, so you should 
stick to it.


On 24/03/11 1:13 PM, Swarnendu Tripathi wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I want to use the no cut-off option in gromacs for the electrostatic 
> interactions. In manual it says for this I need to define: pbc=no; 
> nstlist=0; ns-type=simple and rlist=rcoulomb=rvdw=0 in the .mdp file.
> My questions are:
> 1. If I choose rcoulomb=0 and rlist=rvdw=2.0 is that a problem? Do you 
> always recommend to use rlist=rcoulomb=rvdw=0 for no cut-off option?
> 2. How  should I choose the table-extension parameter now? Before, 
> with pbc=xyz (with cut-off) I used table-extension=rvdw+1/2*length of 
> the longest diagonal of the box (approximately). I am also using a 
> tabulated potential.
> Thank you,
> -Swarnendu


"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." - Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

| Itamar Kass, Ph.D.
| Postdoctoral Research Fellow
| Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
| Building 77 Clayton Campus
| Wellington Road
| Monash University,
| Victoria 3800
| Australia
| Tel: +61 3 9902 9376
| Fax: +61 3 9902 9500
| E-mail: Itamar.Kass at monash.edu

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