[gmx-users] problem using trjconv command

Mark Abraham mark.abraham at anu.edu.au
Fri May 27 06:17:15 CEST 2011

On 27/05/11, rashi parihar  <rashi.parihar at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all .
> I am using trjconv command to genrate the pdb structures..
> trjconv_d -f md_0_1.trr  -s md_0_1.tpr   -o md_0_1.pdb -nice 0 -sep -skip 1000 -tu ns -b 1 -e 5000
> error is coming"Fatal error:
> reading tpx file (md_0_1.tpr) version 73 with version 58 program.
> what is meaning of this error and what would be the possible solution 2 solve this?

You're reading a .tpr file written with a more recent version of GROMACS than the version of trjconv you are using. Because the file formats change as time passes, old code cannot always correctly interpret new data. You should judge either to make a .tpr in the old format, use a file in a different format for -s, or do your analysis with the new code.

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