[gmx-users] grompp: "invalid bond type" error

Olivia Waring owaring at princeton.edu
Wed Nov 2 17:29:01 CET 2011

Hi Justin and Mark,

Thank you so much for your replies. Mark, would you mind clarifying what
you mean? What exactly should I be looking for in the ffbonded.itp file?
I'm not sure why those bonded parameters in particular were overridden... I
didn't intend to modify anything!

Perhaps it would help if I gave a more complete description of my system.
I'm using the oplsaa force field to model a simple alkanethiol chain. I've
defined a new residue as follows:

[ ALK ]
 [ atoms ]
     CA   opls_139   -0.180     1
     HAA  opls_140    0.060     1
     HAB  opls_140    0.060     1
     HAC  opls_140    0.060     1
     CB   opls_139   -0.120     2
     HBA  opls_140    0.060     2
     HBB  opls_140    0.060     2
     CC   opls_139   -0.120     3
     HCA  opls_140    0.060     3
     HCB  opls_140    0.060     3
     CD   opls_139   -0.120     4
     HDA  opls_140    0.060     4
     HDB  opls_140    0.060     4
     CE   opls_139   -0.120     5
     HEA  opls_140    0.060     5
     HEB  opls_140    0.060     5
     CF   opls_139   -0.120     6
     HFA  opls_140    0.060     6
     HFB  opls_140    0.060     6
     CG   opls_139   -0.120     7
     HGA  opls_140    0.060     7
     HGB  opls_140    0.060     7
     CH   opls_139   -0.120     8
     HHA  opls_140    0.060     8
     HHB  opls_140    0.060     8
     CI   opls_139   -0.120     9
     HIA  opls_140    0.060     9
     HIB  opls_140    0.060     9
     CJ   opls_139   -0.120     10
     HJA  opls_140    0.060     10
     HJB  opls_140    0.060     10
     CK   opls_139   -0.120     11
     HKA  opls_140    0.060     11
     HKB  opls_140    0.060     11
     CL   opls_206   -0.120     12
     HLA  opls_140    0.060     12
     HLB  opls_140    0.060     12
     SA   opls_200   -0.335     13
     HS   opls_204    0.155     13
 [ bonds ]
     CA   HAA
     CA   HAB
     CA   HAC
     CA   CB
     CB   HBA
     CB   HBB
     CB   CC
     CC   HCA
     CC   HCB
     CC   CD
     CD   HDA
     CD   HDB
     CD   CE
     CE   HEA
     CE   HEB
     CE   CF
     CF   HFA
     CF   HFB
     CF   CG
     CG   HGA
     CG   HGB
     CG   CH
     CH   HHA
     CH   HHB
     CH   CI
     CI   HIA
     CI   HIB
     CI   CJ
     CJ   HJA
     CJ   HJB
     CJ   CK
     CK   HKA
     CK   HKB
     CK   CL
     CL   HLA
     CL   HLB
     CL   SA
     SA   HS

In ffbonded.itp, I've defined the following bondtypes:

; begin Olivia-defined bondtypes
  CA    HAA     1    0.10800    284512.0  ; spring constant came from OPLS
C* HC bondtype
  CA    HAB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CA    HAC     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CA    CB      1    0.15300    265265.6  ; spring constant came from OPLS
C  C3 bondtype
  CB    HBA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CB    HBB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CB    CC      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CC    HCA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CC    HCB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CC    CD      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CD    HDA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CD    HDB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CD    CE      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CE    HEA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CE    HEB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CE    CF      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CF    HFA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CF    HFB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CF    CG      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CG    HGA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CG    HGB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CG    CH      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CH    HHA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CH    HHB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CH    CI      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CI    HIA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CI    HIB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CI    CJ      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CJ    HJA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CJ    HJB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CJ    CK      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CK    HKA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CK    HKB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CK    CL      1    0.15300    265265.6
  CL    HLA     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CL    HLB     1    0.10800    284512.0
  CL    SA      1    0.18200    284512.0   ; not sure what the spring
constant should be here... will peruse literature!

Here is my topology file (different from the last one I posted, since that
was for a customized forcefield I had designed from scratch... I have since
abandoned that pursuit, and here I am using the predefined opls parameters.)

; Include forcefield parameters
#include "oplsaa.ff/forcefield.itp"

[ moleculetype ]
; Name            nrexcl
Protein             3

[ atoms ]
;   nr       type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass  typeB
   chargeB      massB
; residue   1 ALK rtp ALK  q -0.2
     1   opls_139      1    ALK     CA      1      -0.18     12.011   ;
qtot -0.18
     2   opls_140      1    ALK    HAA      1       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.12
     3   opls_140      1    ALK    HAB      1       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
     4   opls_140      1    ALK    HAC      1       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
     5   opls_139      1    ALK     CB      2      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
     6   opls_140      1    ALK    HBA      2       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
     7   opls_140      1    ALK    HBB      2       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
     8   opls_139      1    ALK     CC      3      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
     9   opls_140      1    ALK    HCA      3       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    10   opls_140      1    ALK    HCB      3       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    11   opls_139      1    ALK     CD      4      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    12   opls_140      1    ALK    HDA      4       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    13   opls_140      1    ALK    HDB      4       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    14   opls_139      1    ALK     CE      5      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    15   opls_140      1    ALK    HEA      5       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    16   opls_140      1    ALK    HEB      5       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    17   opls_139      1    ALK     CF      6      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    18   opls_140      1    ALK    HFA      6       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    19   opls_140      1    ALK    HFB      6       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    20   opls_139      1    ALK     CG      7      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    21   opls_140      1    ALK    HGA      7       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    22   opls_140      1    ALK    HGB      7       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    23   opls_139      1    ALK     CH      8      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    24   opls_140      1    ALK    HHA      8       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    25   opls_140      1    ALK    HHB      8       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    26   opls_139      1    ALK     CI      9      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    27   opls_140      1    ALK    HIA      9       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    28   opls_140      1    ALK    HIB      9       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    29   opls_139      1    ALK     CJ     10      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    30   opls_140      1    ALK    HJA     10       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    31   opls_140      1    ALK    HJB     10       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    32   opls_139      1    ALK     CK     11      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    33   opls_140      1    ALK    HKA     11       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    34   opls_140      1    ALK    HKB     11       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    35   opls_206      1    ALK     CL     12      -0.12     12.011   ;
qtot -0.12
    36   opls_140      1    ALK    HLA     12       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot -0.06
    37   opls_140      1    ALK    HLB     12       0.06      1.008   ;
qtot 0
    38   opls_200      1    ALK     SA     13     -0.335      32.06   ;
qtot -0.335
    39   opls_204      1    ALK     HS     13      0.155      1.008   ;
qtot -0.18

[ bonds ]
;  ai    aj funct            c0            c1            c2            c3
    1     2     1
    1     3     1
    1     4     1
    1     5     1
    5     6     1
    5     7     1
    5     8     1

....... etc. .......

; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include "posre.itp"

; Include water topology
#include "oplsaa.ff/tip3p.itp"

; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
;  i funct       fcx        fcy        fcz
   1    1       1000       1000       1000

; Include topology for ions
#include "oplsaa.ff/ions.itp"

[ system ]
; Name

[ molecules ]
; Compound        #mols
Protein             1

I'm so sorry to inundate you with information, but I hope this might help
us get to the root of the problem!! I've been staring at this for days. :)

Thanks again,

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Mark Abraham <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au>wrote:

>  On 2/11/2011 8:32 AM, Olivia Waring wrote:
> Dear Gromacs users,
>  First of all, many thanks to Justin for his assistance with my previous
> question.
>  I have defined a new residue type in the oplsaa force field, changing
> the aminoacids.rtp file accordingly. pdb2gmx worked just fine; but when I
> try to preprocess, I get the following output:
>  WARNING 1 [file ffbonded.itp, line 58]:
> You'll need to inspect at and before this line in this file to diagnose.
> Mark
>    Overriding Bond parameters.
>    old: 0.1229 476976 0.1229 476976
>   new: C     O      1    0.13270   179075.2
>  WARNING 2 [file ffbonded.itp, line 64]:
>   Overriding Bond parameters.
>    old: 0.1522 265266 0.1522 265266
>   new: C    CT      1    0.14950   265265.6
>  WARNING 3 [file ffbonded.itp, line 67]:
>   Overriding Bond parameters.
>    old: 0.149 334720 0.149 334720
>   new: CA    C      1    0.14240   392459.2
>  WARNING 4 [file ffbonded.itp, line 73]:
>   Overriding Bond parameters.
>    old: 0.1419 374050 0.1419 374050
>   new: C    CB      1    0.14240   392459.2
>  -------------------------------------------------------
> Program grompp, VERSION 4.5.4
> Source code file: topdirs.c, line: 76
>  Fatal error:
> Invalid bond type 0
> For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
> website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
>  The error is rather cryptic, and I'm having trouble tracking it down...
> I even went to the source code (topdirs.c), but I'm still not sure where
> exactly this "invalid bond type" is being defined.
>  Thank you so much for your help,
> Olivia
>  --
> Olivia Waring (王维娅)
> Princeton University '12
> AB Chemistry
> --
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Olivia Waring (王维娅)
Princeton University '12
AB Chemistry
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