[gmx-users] PBC - Protein - ligand

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Mon Nov 7 15:26:08 CET 2011

Steven Neumann wrote:
> Dear Gmx Users,
> I know that this problem has been discussed may times but I cannot find 
> the solution to get rid of pbc in my system: protein and ligand. I 
> followed the workflow:
> 1.      First make your molecules whole if you want them whole
> trjconv -f md.trr -s md.tpr -pbc whole -ur compact -o mdwhole.xtc
> 2.      Cluster your molecules/particles if you want them clustered
> 3.      Extract the first frame from the trajectory as reference for 
> removing jumps if you want to remove jumps.
> trjconv -f mdwhole.xtc -s md.tpr -dump 0 -o 1stframe.pdb
> 4.      Remove jumps if you want to have them removed using the first frame
> trjconv -f mdwhole.xtc -s 1stframe.pdb -pbc nojump -o mdwholeNOjump.xtc
> 5.      Center your system using some criterion. Doing so shifts the 
> system, so don't use |trjconv -|pbc| nojump| after this step.
> trjconv -f mdwholeNOjump.xtc -center -o mdwholeNOjumpCENTER.xtc
> 6.      Put everything in some box.
> trjconv -f mdwholeNOjumpCENTER.xtc -box 6 6 6 -o mdwholeNOjumpCENTERbox.xtc
> 7.      Fit if desired and don't use any PBC related option afterwards.
> trjconv -f mdwholeNOjumpCENTERbox.xtc -s 1stframe.pdb -fit rot+trans -o 
> mdfinal.xtc
> I used SYSTEM everywhere as output orinput. However, my ligand is still 
> jumping like a fly around the stable protein. Do you have any suggestions?

Center on either the protein, the ligand, or some custom index group of residues 
surrounding the ligand.  Centering on the whole system usually doesn't do 
anything useful.


> Steven


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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