[gmx-users] compiling with the pathscale compiler hangs on gmx_rms.c.o

Chris Neale chris.neale at utoronto.ca
Wed Nov 30 21:44:02 CET 2011

Dear users:

My compilation with the pathscale compiler hangs for over an hour on the 
gmx_rms.c.o file (or perhaps the one that comes next).

[ 83%] Building C object src/tools/CMakeFiles/gmxana.dir/gmx_principal.c.o
[ 84%] Building C object src/tools/CMakeFiles/gmxana.dir/gmx_polystat.c.o
[ 84%] Building C object src/tools/CMakeFiles/gmxana.dir/gmx_potential.c.o
[ 84%] Building C object src/tools/CMakeFiles/gmxana.dir/gmx_rama.c.o
[ 84%] Building C object src/tools/CMakeFiles/gmxana.dir/gmx_rdf.c.o
[ 84%] Building C object src/tools/CMakeFiles/gmxana.dir/gmx_rms.c.o
[hangs here]

I compiled like this:

module purge
module load pathscale/4.0.11
module load openmpi_pathscale64/1.4.3_ofed
module load cmake/2.8.5
export CCDIR=/opt/ekopath/4.0.11/bin

## set the location of the single precision FFTW isntallation
export FFTW_LOCATION=/home/nealechr/exe/pathscale/fftw-3.1.2/exec

##### Nothing below this line usually needs to be changed

export CXX=pathCC
export CC=pathcc

cmake ../source/ \
       -DFFTW3F_LIBRARIES=$FFTW_LOCATION/lib/libfftw3f.a \
       -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd) \
       -DGMX_X11=OFF \
       -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CCDIR}/pathcc \


make install


If anybody has successfully compiled with the pathscale compiler, I 
would love to hear any suggestions that you can offer.

I have tried 3 fresh installations, and I have also tried cntrl^C and 
then run make again without a clean. It's always the same.

Thank you,

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