[gmx-users] problem in topology with AMBER99SB

Anna Marabotti anna.marabotti at isa.cnr.it
Mon Sep 5 15:07:01 CEST 2011

Dear gmx-users,
I'm trying to create the topology for a ligand using Amber99SB force field,
but I'm experimenting several problems. Here what I did:
 - I recovered the .mol2 file of my ligand (comp1.mol2)
- I checked and added H with Amber tool reduce: reduce comp1.mol2 > comp1-H.
- I added charges using antechamber: antechamber -i comp1-H.mol2 -fi mol2 -o
comp1-H_C.mol2 -fo mol2 -c bcc -s2
- I created the frcmod parameter file: parmcheck -i comp1-H_C.mol2 -f mol2
-o comp1-H_C.frcmod 
- then I used: xleap -s -f /opt/amber11/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.ff99SB
                            source leaprc.gaff
                            lig = loadmol2 comp1-H_C.mol2
                            check lig
                            loadamberparams comp1-H_C.frcmod
                            saveamberparm lig comp1.prmtop comp1.inpcrd
- I created the .top file with amb2gmx.pl: amb2gmx.pl --prmtop comp1.prmtop
--crd comp1.inpcrd --outname comp1
mv comp1.top comp1.itp

My comp1.itp file is as following:

; comp1.top created by rdparm2gmx.pl Mon Sep 5 12:45:09 CEST 2011

[ defaults ]

; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ

1 2 yes 0.5 0.8333

[ atomtypes ]

;name bond_type mass charge ptype sigma epsilon

c3 c3 0.0000 0.0000 A 3.39967e-01 4.57730e-01

n n 0.0000 0.0000 A 3.25000e-01 7.11280e-01

ha ha 0.0000 0.0000 A 2.59964e-01 6.27600e-02

ca ca 0.0000 0.0000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01

hn hn 0.0000 0.0000 A 1.06908e-01 6.56888e-02

hc hc 0.0000 0.0000 A 2.64953e-01 6.56888e-02

c c 0.0000 0.0000 A 3.39967e-01 3.59824e-01

o o 0.0000 0.0000 A 2.95992e-01 8.78640e-01

[ moleculetype ]

; Name nrexcl

solute 3

[ atoms ]

; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr charge mass typeB chargeB

1 o 1 UNK O1 1 -0.58510 16.000000

2 o 1 UNK O2 2 -0.47810 16.000000

3 o 1 UNK O3 3 -0.47710 16.000000

4 n 1 UNK N1 4 -0.47010 14.000000


[ bonds ]

; ai aj funct r k

4 33 1 1.0090e-01 3.4326e+05

7 26 1 1.0920e-01 2.8225e+05

7 25 1 1.0920e-01 2.8225e+05

7 24 1 1.0920e-01 2.8225e+05


[ pairs ]

; ai aj funct

1 33 1

4 36 1

4 34 1

5 33 1


[ angles ]

; ai aj ak funct theta cth

5 9 32 1 1.1005e+02 3.8802e+02

5 9 31 1 1.1005e+02 3.8802e+02

5 9 30 1 1.1005e+02 3.8802e+02

5 8 29 1 1.1005e+02 3.8802e+02


[ dihedrals ]

;i j k l func C0 ... C5

1 6 4 33 3 29.28800 -8.36800 -20.92000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ;

4 12 17 36 3 30.33400 0.00000 -30.33400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ;

4 12 14 34 3 30.33400 0.00000 -30.33400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ;

5 6 4 33 3 20.92000 0.00000 -20.92000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ;

6 5 9 32 3 0.65270 1.95811 0.00000 -2.61082 0.00000 0.00000 ;


[ system ]

40 system

[ molecules ]

; Compound nmols

solute 1


I pasted the coordinates of comp1.pdb into those of protein.pdb, II removed
directives [ system ] and [ molecules ] and I included "comp1.itp" in the
"topol.top" file obtained with pdb2gmx (Gromacs 4.5.4) using ff Amber99SB,
on the protein alone:


; Include forcefield parameters

#include "amber99sb.ff/forcefield.itp"

#include "comp1.itp"

; Include chain topologies

#include "topol_Protein_chain_C.itp"

#include "topol_Other.itp"

; Include water topology

#include "amber99sb.ff/tip3p.itp"


; Position restraint for each water oxygen

[ position_restraints ]

; i funct fcx fcy fcz

1 1 1000 1000 1000


; Include topology for ions

#include "amber99sb.ff/ions.itp"

[ system ]

; Name

Protein in water

[ molecules ]

; Compound #mols

Protein_chain_C 1

Other 1



Then, I launched editconf-genbox-grompp to neutralize system:

/opt/gromacs45/bin/grompp -f em.mdp -c prot-lig_solv.gro -o
prot-lig_solv.tpr -p

The result was:

Fatal error:

Syntax error - File comp1.itp, line 3

Last line read:

'[ defaults ]'

Invalid order for directive defaults


I had a check on the manual and it seems to me that all directives are in
the correct order! However, I removed directive [ defaults ] and re-launched

/opt/gromacs45/bin/grompp -f em.mdp -c prot-lig_solv.gro -o
prot-lig_solv.tpr -p


Fatal error:

Syntax error - File comp1.itp, line 7

Last line read:

'[ atomtypes ]'

Invalid order for directive atomtypes


I removed directive [ atomtypes ] and re-launched grompp:

/opt/gromacs45/bin/grompp -f em.mdp -c prot-lig_solv.gro -o
prot-lig_solv.tpr -p


Fatal error:

Atomtype n not found


What's wrong? Why Gromacs claims that directives are not in correct order?
Could you please help me?

Many thanks


Anna Marabotti, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Institute of Food Science - CNR
Via Roma, 64
83100 Avellino
Phone: +39 0825 299651
Fax: +39 0825 781585
E-mail: amarabotti at isa.cnr.it
Skype account: annam1972
Web site: http://bioinformatica.isa.cnr.it/anna/anna.htm
"When a man with a gun meets a man with a pen, the man with the gun is a
dead man"
(Roberto Benigni, about Roberto Saviano)
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