[gmx-users] dialanine using charmm27 ff

Sandeep Somani ssomani at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 11:25:33 CEST 2011

Hi Mark

Thanks for the rtp definitions. I added the rtp defs to aminoacids.rtp and
renamed residue and atom names in pdb file.

But pdb2gmx is still complaining about the terminal groups. It seems to have
picked up ACE, but not CT3.
pdb2gmx error message and modified pdb file are listed below. Any idea ? Do
I need to modify .c.tdb ? If so, do you have that entry as well :) ?


=============pdb2gmx error=======================================
Back Off! I just backed up topol.top to ./#topol.top.3#
Processing chain 1 (32 atoms, 4 residues)
There are 3 donors and 3 acceptors
There are 4 hydrogen bonds
Identified residue ACE1 as a starting terminus.
Warning: Residue CT32 in chain has different type (Other) from starting
residue ACE1 (Protein).
Identified residue ALA2 as a ending terminus.
8 out of 8 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Start terminus ACE-1: NH3+
End terminus ALA-2: COO-

Program pdb2gmx_d, VERSION 4.5.4
Source code file: pdb2top.c, line: 1070

Fatal error:
atom N not found in buiding block 1ACE while combining tdb and rtp
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
================pdb2gmx error====================================

================modified pdb=====================================

REMARK   DATE:     8/10/11      5:30:23      CREATED BY USER: ss2029

*ATOM      1  CT3 ACE     1      -2.160   0.537   0.930  1.00  0.00
*ATOM      2  HT1 ACE     1      -2.466   0.003   0.005  1.00  0.00
*ATOM      3  HT2 ACE     1      -2.562   1.572   0.910  1.00  0.00
*ATOM      4  HT3 ACE     1      -2.562   0.001   1.816  1.00  0.00
*ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      -0.672   0.582   1.009  1.00  0.00
*ATOM      6  O   ACE     1      -0.105   1.128   1.954  1.00  0.00
ATOM      7  N   ALA     1       0.000   0.000   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM      8  HN  ALA     1      -0.453  -0.444  -0.769  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM      9  CA  ALA     1       1.459   0.000   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     10  HA  ALA     1       1.812  -0.497   0.897  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     11  CB  ALA     1       1.949  -0.834  -1.207  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     12  HB1 ALA     1       1.514  -1.854  -1.155  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     13  HB2 ALA     1       1.628  -0.373  -2.167  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     14  HB3 ALA     1       3.056  -0.932  -1.214  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     15  C   ALA     1       2.096   1.401   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     16  O   ALA     1       1.425   2.432   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     17  N   ALA     2       3.451   1.458   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     18  HN  ALA     2       3.954   0.594   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     19  CA  ALA     2       4.276   2.664   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     20  HA  ALA     2       4.065   3.236  -0.897  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     21  CB  ALA     2       3.864   3.539   1.207  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     22  HB1 ALA     2       2.776   3.756   1.155  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     23  HB2 ALA     2       4.063   3.014   2.167  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     24  HB3 ALA     2       4.407   4.508   1.214  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     25  C   ALA     2       5.791   2.399   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
ATOM     26  O   ALA     2       6.597   3.328   0.000  1.00  0.00      DIAL
*ATOM     27  N   CT3     2       6.175   1.110   0.000  1.00  0.00
*ATOM     28  HN  CT3     2       5.528   0.351   0.000  1.00  0.00
*ATOM     29  CT  CT3     2       7.566   0.777   0.000  1.00  0.00
*ATOM     30  HT1 CT3     2       8.048   1.201   0.907  1.00  0.00
*ATOM     31  HT2 CT3     2       7.683  -0.327   0.000  1.00  0.00
*ATOM     32  HT3 CT3     2       8.048   1.201  -0.907  1.00  0.00
TER      33      CT3      2
================modified pdb=====================================

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 2:52 AM, Mark Abraham <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au>wrote:

> On 9/09/2011 8:05 AM, Sandeep Somani wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am trying to set up a simulation for dialanine using charmm27 ff but am
>> getting errors in pdb2gmx due to missing definitions in rtp file.
>> I created the pdb file (below) using Charmm for the sequence
>> pdb2gmx recognizes ALA atoms but not those of the terminal groups ACE and
>> CT3.
> Yes, CHARMM in GROMACS has lacked these for some time. I asked over a year
> ago for them to be added, but that hasn't happened. You can add
> [ ACE ]
>  [ atoms ]
>        CT3     CT3     -0.270  0
>        HT1     HA      0.090   1
>        HT2     HA      0.090   2
>        HT3     HA      0.090   3
>        C       C       0.510   4
>        O       O       -0.510  5
>  [ bonds ]
>        C       CT3
>        C       +N
>        CT3     HT31
>        CT3     HT32
>        CT3     HT33
>        O       C
>  [ impropers ]
>        C       CT3     +N      O
> [ CT3 ]
> ; this can also be done with the .c.tdb, but the atom naming is different
> ; and this can matter
>  [ atoms ]
>        N       NH1     -0.470  0
>        HN      H       0.310   1
>        CT      CT3     -0.110  2
>        HT1     HA      0.090   3
>        HT2     HA      0.090   4
>        HT3     HA      0.090   5
>  [ bonds ]
>        -C      N
>        N       HN
>        N       CAT
>        CT      HT1
>        CT      HT2
>        CT      HT3
>  [ impropers ]
>        N       -C      CAT     HN
>        -C      CAT     N       -O
> to the end of aminoacids.rtp in a local copy of the charmm27.ff folder to
> make this work.
>> Does someone have the appropriate definitions for these residues ?
>> ( I have tried http://swissparam.ch/ to generate an itp file for the
>> molecule, but upon using it in GMX it does not give the same energy as that
>> from charmm. )
> That will likely be a separate issue.
> Mark
> --
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