[gmx-users] Re: Carbohydrate simulation: problem with the terminal atoms

khuchtumur bumerdek at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 07:34:24 CEST 2012

Hi Justin,

Thank you for writing this clarification. I'm still having a bit of a
problem with the anomeric -OH group giving LINCS warnings during
equilibration though. 

I am trying to parametrize a beta-lactose molecule in g53a6. Following are
the steps I followed.
1) Draw lactose in Avogadro
2) Use PRODRG to get ITP template
3) Change the charges and charge groups in accordance with Oostenbrink et al
2004 and Lins et al 2005.
4) Change the bonds and angles in accordance with Oostenbrink et al, which
matches Lins et al
5) Check the improper dihedrals for chiral centers
6) Set up the proper dihedrals using Lins et al. 
7) Set the exclusion you mentioned here (between O5 and H1)
8) Change the C-C-C-O5 specification from Lins et al to CCCO1 specification
as in your post (explained below)

This gives the following charges and dihedrals:

[ atoms ]
;   nr      type  resnr resid  atom  cgnr   charge     mass
     1        OA     1  LAT      O2     1   -0.642  15.9994   
     2         H     1  LAT     H2     1    0.410   1.0080   
     3       CH1     1  LAT      C2     1    0.232  13.0190   
     4       CH1     1  LAT      C3     2    0.232  13.0190   
     5        OA     1  LAT      O3     2   -0.642  15.9994   
     6         H     1  LAT     H3     2    0.410   1.0080   
     7       CH1     1  LAT      C4     3    0.232  13.0190   
     8        OA     1  LAT      O4     3   -0.642  15.9994   
     9         H     1  LAT     H4     3    0.410   1.0080   
    10       CH1     1  LAT      C5     4    0.376  13.0190   
    11       CH2     1  LAT      C6     5    0.232  14.0270   
    12        OA     1  LAT      O6     5   -0.642  15.9994   
    13         H     1  LAT     H6     5    0.410   1.0080   
    14        OA     1  LAT      O5     4   -0.480  15.9994   
    15       CH1     1  LAT      C1     4    0.232  13.0190   
    16        OA     1  LAT      O1     4   -0.360  15.9994   
    17       CH1     1  LAT     C4'     4    0.232  13.0190 ;'
    18       CH1     1  LAT     C3'     6    0.232  13.0190 ;'
    19        OA     1  LAT     O3'     6   -0.642  15.9994 ;'
    20         H     1  LAT     H3'     6    0.410   1.0080   
    21       CH1     1  LAT     C2'     7    0.232  13.0190 ;'
    22        OA     1  LAT     O2'     7   -0.642  15.9994 ;'
    23         H     1  LAT     H2'     7    0.410   1.0080   
    24       CH1     1  LAT     C1'     8    0.232  13.0190 ;'
    25        OA     1  LAT     O1'     8   -0.538  15.9994 ;'
    26         H     1  LAT     H1'     8    0.410   1.0080   
    27        OA     1  LAT     O5'     8   -0.480  15.9994 ;'
    28       CH1     1  LAT     C5'     8    0.376  13.0190 ;'
    29       CH2     1  LAT     C6'     9    0.232  14.0270 ;'
    30        OA     1  LAT     O6'     9   -0.642  15.9994 ;'
    31         H     1  LAT     H6'     9    0.410   1.0080   

[ dihedrals ]

   2   1   3  15   1      gd_30
;   2   1   3   4   1      gd_30
   1   3  15  16   1      gd_18
;   1   3  15  14   1      gd_18
   1   3   4   5   1      gd_18
   1   3   4   7   1      gd_17
;   3  15  16  17   1      gd_29
   3  15  14  10   1      gd_29
   3   4   5   6   1      gd_30
   3   4   7   8   1      gd_17
   3   4   7  10   1      gd_34
  15   3   4   7   1      gd_34
  15   3   4   5   1      gd_17
  16  15   3   4   1      gd_17
  16  15   3   4   1      gd_34
  14  15   3   4   1      gd_17
;  14  15   3   4   1      gd_34
;   6   5   4   7   1      gd_30
   5   4   7   8   1      gd_18
   5   4   7  10   1      gd_17
   4   7   8   9   1      gd_30
   4   7  10  11   1      gd_34
   4   7  10  14   1      gd_17
;   4   7  10  14   1      gd_34
;   9   8   7  10   1      gd_30
   8   7  10  11   1      gd_17
;   8   7  10  14   1      gd_18
;   7  10  11  12   1      gd_1
   7  10  14  15   1      gd_29
  13  12  11  10   1      gd_30
  12  11  10  14   1      gd_3
  12  11  10  14   1      gd_35
;  11  10  14  15   1      gd_29
  14  15  16  17   1      gd_2
  14  15  16  17   1      gd_32
  15  16  17  18   1      gd_30
;  15  16  17  28   1      gd_29
  16  17  18  19   1      gd_18
  16  17  18  21   1      gd_17
  16  17  28  29   1      gd_17
;  16  17  28  27   1      gd_18
;  17  18  19  20   1      gd_30
  17  18  21  22   1      gd_17
  17  18  21  24   1      gd_34
;  17  28  29  30   1      gd_17
  17  28  27  24   1      gd_29
  19  18  17  28   1      gd_17
  18  17  28  29   1      gd_34
  18  17  28  27   1      gd_17
;  18  17  28  27   1      gd_34
  21  18  17  28   1      gd_34
  20  19  18  21   1      gd_30
  19  18  21  22   1      gd_18
  19  18  21  24   1      gd_17
;  18  21  22  23   1      gd_30
  18  21  24  25   1      gd_17
  18  21  24  25   1      gd_34
  18  21  24  27   1      gd_17
;  18  21  24  27   1      gd_34 
  23  22  21  24   1      gd_30
  22  21  24  25   1      gd_18
;  22  21  24  27   1      gd_18
;  21  24  25  26   1      gd_30
  21  24  27  28   1      gd_29
  26  25  24  27   1      gd_2
  26  25  24  27   1      gd_32
;  26  25  24  27   1    180.0   20.0  1  ; restrain?  
;  24  27  28  29   1      gd_29
  27  28  29  30   1      gd_5
  27  28  29  30   1      gd_37
  28  29  30  31   1      gd_30

;  28  27  24  25   1     180.0  10.0   1
; Picked from Autieri et al J. Chem. Phys. 2010
;  10   7   4   5   1     180.0   2.4   2
;  15   3   4   5   1     180.0   2.4   2
;   4   3  15  16   1     180.0   0.5   2
;  11  10  14  15   1     180.0   0.5   2
;   7   4   3   1   1     180.0   0.5   2
;  28  17  18  19   1     180.0   2.4   2
;  24  21  18  19   1     180.0   2.4   2
;  18  21  24  25   1     180.0   0.5   2
;  29  28  27  24   1     180.0   0.5   2 
;  17  18  21  22   1     180.0   0.5   2
[ exclusions ]
   26   27
#The commented dihedrals are things I was trying#

The molecule starts giving off LINCS warnings during NVT or NPT
equilibration with a protein that I'm interested in. I have run just the
molecule alone to check if it's a problem with the complex, but the molecule
in water also gives the same error. The error is on the anomeric hydroxy
group on the reducing end of the molecule, namely glucose O1-H1. My
questions are:

1) In this post, you have set both gd_17 and gd_34 for C3-C2-C1-O1, while
Lins et al 2005 have set up gd_17 and gd_34 for C3-C4-C5-O5 or C3-C2-C1-O5.
My assumption is that Lins et al are treating the O5 as if it's a carbon
within the sugar ring. My chemistry is not good, but the O5 here is quite
different from that of the other oxygens and could require extra attention.
I'm not sure why the O1 is treated like this in your post. Is it because
it's in a polymer? Also I noticed that you did not have the extra gd_34
definition for the dihedrals involving the O5, was it left out on purpose? 
2) I realize that there are different ways to set the dihedrals for complete
coverage of the molecule (i. e. C2-C3-O3-H3/C4-C3-O3-H3). Is there any down
side to defining all of the possible dihedrals redundantly?
3) I realize that the topology you've shown here is a template, but have you
simulated this template successfully?

I have run 1'-deoxy-1'-methoxylactose (replacing the glucose OH with a
terminal methoxy {according to the specifications from Lins et al} ) and it
doesn't give LINCS warnings. I haven't made any quality checks, but this
actually runs. So this simple change makes me think that the problem is not
anything else but this anomeric OH termination. 
Other notes: running gmx v4.5.5, spc water, em run until Fmax <100

I'm sorry if I rambled on. This is the first molecule I'm parameterizing.
Please let me know if I made any careless mistakes or if there are other
lit. articles I should have taken into account. 

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