[gmx-users] Atom N not found....

rama david ramadavidgroup at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 14:04:31 CEST 2012

Hi GROMACS Friends and Mark..

Thank you for reply ...
My command line is
pdb2gmx -f ....pdb -o p.pdb -p p.top -ignh -ter
I choose the G96 53a6 ff , along with spc water model.

Select start terminus type for ACE-1
 0: NH3+
 1: NH2
 2: None
Start terminus ACE-1: None

Select end terminus
 0: COO-
 1: COOH
 2: None
End terminus : COO-

So I got the following out put...
Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.5.4
Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.5.4/src/kernel/pdb2gmx.c, line:

Fatal error:
Atom CH3 in residue ACE 1 was not found in rtp entry ACE with 3 atoms
while sorting atoms.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
I have the limited experience for these problem..
Can you tell me what to do in such conditions????

I change the Atom CH3 in pdb to CA and  proceed with the above command line
and option .
   I got the following error

Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.5.4
Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.5.4/src/kernel/resall.c, line: 581

Fatal error:
Residue 'CE' not found in residue topology database
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
   I have the limited experience for these problem..
Can you tell me what to do in such conditions????

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Mark Abraham <Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au>wrote:

>  On 6/04/2012 9:05 PM, Mark Abraham wrote:
> On 6/04/2012 8:27 PM, rama david wrote:
> Hi Gromacs Friends and Justin ,
> Thank you for reply and suggestion.
> These is short part of my PDB .
> ATOM      1 1H   ACE     1       0.000   0.000   0.000
> ATOM      2  CH3 ACE     1       0.000   1.090   0.000
> ATOM      3 2H   ACE     1       1.028   1.453  -0.000
> ATOM      4 3H   ACE     1      -0.514   1.453  -0.890
> ATOM      5  C   ACE     1      -0.721   1.600   1.249
> ATOM      6  O   ACE     1      -0.839   2.806   1.453
> ATOM      7  N   PRO     2      -1.227   0.727   2.126
> ATOM      8  CA  PRO     2      -1.918   1.181   3.321
> ATOM      9  HA  PRO     2      -2.553   2.031   3.073
> ATOM     10  C   PRO     2      -0.928   1.587   4.404
> ATOM     11  O   PRO     2      -1.069   2.645   5.013
> ATOM     12  CB  PRO     2      -2.782   0.075   3.851
> ATOM     13 1HB  PRO     2      -2.469  -0.177   4.864
> ATOM     14 2HB  PRO     2      -3.822   0.401   3.862
> ATOM     15  CG  PRO     2      -2.645  -1.140   2.964
> ATOM     16 1HG  PRO     2      -2.232  -1.966   3.542
> ATOM     17 2HG  PRO     2      -3.606  -1.451   2.556
> ATOM     18  CD  PRO     2      -1.680  -0.755   1.882
> ATOM     19 1HD  PRO     2      -2.173  -0.830   0.913
> ATOM     20 2HD  PRO     2      -0.816  -1.419   1.895
> ATOM     21  N   GLY     3       0.076   0.740   4.644
> ATOM     22  H   GLY     3       0.135  -0.114   4.109
> ATOM     23  CA  GLY     3       1.083   1.012   5.650
> The gromacs96 53a6 .rtp file mention the following data...
>  bondedtypes ]
> ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers
>     2       2          1          2
> [ ACE ]
>  [ atoms ]
>     CA   CH3   0.000     0
>      C     C   0.450     1
>      O     O  -0.450     1
>  [ bonds ]
>      C    CA   gb_27
>      C     O   gb_5
>      C    +N   gb_19
>  [ angles ]
>    CA     C     O    ga_30
>    CA     C    +N    ga_19
>     O     C    +N    ga_33
>  [ impropers ]
>     C    CA    +N     O    gi_1
> [ NH2 ]
>  [ atoms ]
>      N    NT   -0.83    0
>      H1    H   0.415    0
>      H2    H   0.415    0
>  [ bonds ]
>       N    H1  gb_2
>       N    H2  gb_2
>      -C    N   gb_9
>  [ angles ]
>      -O -C N  ga_33
>      -CA -C N ga_19
>      -C N H1  ga_23
>      -C N H2  ga_23
>      H1 N H2  ga_24
>  [ dihedrals ]
>     -CA -C N H1 gd_14
>  [ impropers ]
>     -C -O N -CA gi_1
>      N H1 H2 -C gi_1
> As per my pdb file N atom is the part of PROLINE , not the ACE...
> I got the topology by using the Amber 03 FF.
> But my priority  is to the GROMOS96 53a6 force field ...
> Could any suggest me the way to tackle these problem???
> The default is to try to put termini on the protein chain. Your chain
> already has them, so you need to tell pdb2gmx not to try to add termini.
> See pdb2gmx -h.
> ... and if you'd also shown the last piece of your pdb2gmx output and
> given us the whole command line you used, then you'd have gotten your
> answer faster and wasted less of people's time guessing what the real
> problem was.
> Mark
> --
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