[gmx-users] protein folding / pbc
Mark Abraham
Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Tue Apr 10 17:54:48 CEST 2012
On 11/04/2012 1:24 AM, Shi, Huilin wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a question about periodic boundary conditions (pbc) when
> running a simulation to unfold a protein from its native structure.
> I set up pbc with the starting structure which is compact.
> When defining the box we use editconf and set up the -d 1.0 as the
> distance from the protein to the box edge.
> It is said that "a protein should never see its periodic image".
> If during the simulation the protein starts unfolding, the minimum
> distance from the protein to the box edge will no longer be 1.0 nm.
> And it is possible that the length of the protein is even longer than
> the box dimension and the protein may "see" its periodic image in the
> neighbored box.
> Is this going to be a problem?
Yes, if you don't allow for it from the start. Some test simulations
with implicit solvent are probably priceless here.
> I am also confused that it is also said that "(parts of) the
> molecule(s) diffuse out of the box is not a problem".
> Is this conflicted with "a protein should never see its periodic image"?
Sometimes - can depend on orientation of molecule wrt box.
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