[gmx-users] Re: g_wham problem with negative COM differences

Justin A. Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Wed Apr 18 14:43:51 CEST 2012

Thomas Schlesier wrote:
> Am 18.04.2012 12:00, schrieb gmx-users-request at gromacs.org:
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>> Today's Topics:
>>     1. Re: g_wham problem with negative COM differences (Anni Kauko)
>>     2. Error- Atom not found in residue seq nr while adding    atom
>>        (aiswarya pawar)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 12:19:08 +0300
>> From: Anni Kauko<akauko at sbc.su.se>
>> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] g_wham problem with negative COM differences
>> To: gmx-users at gromacs.org
>> Message-ID:
>>     <CALxANdPFxZgYhxdVbsqMSrfgY7-MaN2F_-VDkbpkrgtZQ-tYUw at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>> Anni Kauko wrote:
>>>>>      Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2012 08:38:05 -0400
>>>>>      From: "Justin A. Lemkul"<jalemkul at vt.edu<mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu
>>>>>      Subject: Re: [gmx-users] g_wham problem with negative COM
>>> differences
>>>>>      To: Discussion list for GROMACS users<gmx-users at gromacs.org
>>>>>      <mailto:gmx-users at gromacs.org>>
>>>>>      Message-ID:<4F857B2D.3050100 at vt.edu
>>> <mailto:4F857B2D.3050100 at vt.edu>>
>>>>>      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>>>>      Anni Kauko wrote:
>>>>>       >  Hi!
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  I try to perform pmf calculations for case where a peptide
>>> shifts
>>>>>       >  through the membrane. My COM differences should vary from 
>>>>> 2.3 to
>>>>>      -2.5.
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  My problem is that g_wham plots negative COM difference as 
>>>>> they
>>>>>      would be
>>>>>       >  positive.  In pullx-files the COM differences are treated
>>> correctly
>>>>>       >  (look below). My peptide is not symmetric, so profile curves
>>> are not
>>>>>       >  symmetric, so loosing the sign for COM difference screws my
>>> profile
>>>>>       >  curve completely.
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  I did not manage to find any pre-existing answers to this
>>> problem
>>>>>      from
>>>>>       >  internet.
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  First datalines from pullx files:
>>>>>       >  (sorry for strange file names...)
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  pull_umbr_0.xvg:
>>>>>       >  0.0000  6.26031 2.27369
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  pullz_umbr_23.xvg:
>>>>>       >  0.0000  6.09702 0.0233141
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  pullz_umbr_50.xvg:
>>>>>       >  0.0000  6.02097 -2.50088
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  g_wham command:
>>>>>       >  g_wham -b 5000 -it tpr_files.dat  -ix pullz_files.dat -o
>>>>>       >  profile_test.xvg -hist histo_test.xvg  -unit kCal
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  My pull code:
>>>>>       >
>>>>>       >  pull            = umbrella
>>>>>       >  pull_geometry   = distance
>>>>>       >  pull_dim        = N N Y
>>>>>       >  pull_start      = yes
>>>>>       >  pull_ngroups    = 1
>>>>>       >  pull_group0     = POPC_POPS         ; reference group is 
>>>>> bilayer
>>>>>       >  pull_group1     = C-alpha_&_r_92-94 ; group that is actually
>>> pulled
>>>>>       >  pull_init1      = 0
>>>>>       >  pull_rate1      = 0.0
>>>>>       >  pull_k1         = 1000     ; kJ mol-1 nm-2
>>>>>       >
>>>>>      Your problem stems from the use of "distance" geometry.  This
>>> method
>>>>>      assumes the
>>>>>      sign along the reaction coordinate does not change, i.e. always
>>>>>      positive or
>>>>>      always negative.  If the sign changes, this simple method fails.
>>>>>       You should be
>>>>>      using something like "position" to allow for a vector to be
>>>>>      specified.  Perhaps
>>>>>      you can reconstruct the PMF by separately analyzing the positive
>>>>>      restraint
>>>>>      distances and negative restraint distances (note here that
>>>>>      "distance" really
>>>>>      refers to a vector quantity, and thus it can have a sign), or
>>>>>      otherwise create
>>>>>      new .tpr files using "position" geometry, though I don't know if
>>>>>      g_wham will
>>>>>      accept them or not.
>>>>>      -Justin
>>>>>      --
>>>>>      ========================================
>>>>>      Justin A. Lemkul
>>>>>      Ph.D. Candidate
>>>>>      ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>>>>      MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>>>>      Department of Biochemistry
>>>>>      Virginia Tech
>>>>>      Blacksburg, VA
>>>>>      jalemkul[at]vt.edu<http://vt.edu>  | (540) 231-9080
>>>>>      <tel:%28540%29%20231-9080>
>>>>>      http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
>>>>>      ========================================
>>>>> Thank's!
>>>>> I managed to solve my g_wham problem by doing two things:
>>>>> 1. New tpr-files with proper pull code for g_wham.
>>>>> 2. I also needed to modify signs of pullf values: If value for pullx
>>>>> distance was negative, I reversed the sign of corresponding pullf
>>> value.
>>>>> I did that by my own script.
>>>>> The new pull code:
>>>>> ; Pull code
>>>>> pull            = umbrella
>>>>> pull_geometry   = direction
>>>>> pull_vec1       = 0 0 1
>>>>> pull_start      = yes
>>>>> pull_ngroups    = 1
>>>>> pull_group0     = POPC_POPS         ; reference group is bilayer
>>>>> pull_group1     = C-alpha_&_r_92-94 ; group that is actually pulled
>>>>> pull_init1      = 0
>>>>> pull_rate1      = 0.0
>>>>> pull_k1         = 1000     ; kJ mol-1 nm-2
>>>>> I am little bit confuced, why I needed to tweak signes of pullf
>>> values.
>>>>> But like that I got the curve that resembles two half curve made for
>>>>> positive and negative pullx distances separately. That curve also
>>> makes
>>>>> sense from biochemical point of view.
>>>> Such changes do not seem appropriate to me.  If you change the sign of
>>>> the
>>>> pulling force, you change the implication of what that value means.
>>>> What
>>>> happens if you run your simulations with the new (more appropriate)
>>>> .mdp file?
>>>> Do the forces have the same magnitude, but opposite sign?
>>> I don't think that the problem is so easy fixed. I had with another
>>> person about a month ago a lengthy discussion on the list.
>>> The problem is the following:
>>> If you use 'distance' as pull_geometry the position of the minimum of
>>> the umbrella potential is determined by the vector connecting the ref-
>>> and pulled group, but there is no information about the direction.
>>> Assume this (1D):
>>> reference particle at origin (0)
>>> minimum of umbrella potential (1) - via pull_init1 = 1
>>> pulled particle at (0.5)
>>> ->  force acting of pulled particle 0.5*k
>>> ->  everything ok
>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>> we look later and pulled particle moved to (-0.5)
>>> since we are in the same umbrella sampling windows the umbrella
>>> potential minimum should still be at (1) ->  force acting would be 1.5*k
>>> (this would be right if we had direction as the pull_geometry)
>>> BUT:
>>> we have pull_geometry=distance
>>> ->  minimum of umbrella potential is now at (-1)
>>> (why is this: from ref seen pull-group is now in the negative direction
>>> ->  pull_init tells use that we should go along this vector the distance
>>> 1 ->  new position is now (-1))
>>> ->  force acting is now -0.5*k
>>> which is wrong (meaning physical not sensible)
>>> ok, the force is right (from the algorithm standpoint), but the fact
>>> that our minimum of the umbrella potential jumps around during the
>>> sampling screws everything
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>> hope you get the idea about the origin of problem
>>> greetings
>>> thomas
>> It seems that it is safest if I simply rerun my all simulations... 
>> Then we
>> will see how it really is.
>> I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but doesn't Thomas's experience
>> also suggest that for some strange algoritmic reason force get's wrong 
>> sign
>> when distance gets negative with distance geometry? Or am I completely
>> confuced? If it is so, wouldn't my trick then be justified?
>> At least if I plot two half curves separately for positive and negative
>> distances (I discarded all runs around zero), I get results that are
>> compatible with my sign trick. And It also made sense biochemically.  But
>> well, proper rerun does not leave any questions.
>> Does following pull code seem proper to you:
>>   pull            = umbrella
>>   pull_geometry   = direction
>>   pull_vec1       = 0 0 1
>>   pull_start      = yes
>>   pull_ngroups    = 1
>>   pull_group0     = POPC_POPS         ; reference group is bilayer
>>   pull_group1     = C-alpha_&_r_92-94 ; group that is actually pulled
>>   pull_init1      = 0
>>   pull_rate1      = 0.0
>>   pull_k1         = 1000     ; kJ mol-1 nm-2
>> Regards,
>> Anni
> It's not really 'strange algoritmic reason', more an algorithmic 
> problem. One could say it so: For 'pull_geometry=distance' the problem 
> is isotropic, you pull along the vector connecting the two groups. If 
> the two groups switch places -> the direction of the vector changes -> 
> origin of potential jumps
> With 'pull_geometry=direction' you pull along a defined vector. If both 
> groups switch places -> but still vector stays the same -> origin of 
> potential stays where it was
> So in theory 'pull_geometry=direction' should solve the problem with 
> umbrella sampling a really small distances,
> *BUT* as far as i know 'g_wham' doesn't like 'pull_geometry=direction'.

g_wham has supported "direction" and "direction_periodic" for some time.  The 
only caveat is that one cannot use pullx.xvg files for the WHAM analysis.


> One idea (but absolut no idea if i will work):
> Run the problematic windows/distances with 'pull_geometry=direction' and 
> make a *.tpr file with 'pull_geometry=distance' and just feed this to 
> g_wham. One thing which is important is the 'pull_dim'. If it is 1D you 
> are fine. If it is 3D, you must calculate the absolute of each force and 
> give it the 'right' sign.
> One thing to note:
> I think to problem occurs only for a handfull of umbrella-sampling 
> windows around a distance of 0. And even there, for the larger (but 
> still relative small) distances it becomes less problematic (since the 
> switching of both groups happens less often).
> Greetings
> Thomas


Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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