[gmx-users] Build on OSX with 4.6beta1

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Mon Dec 3 16:53:49 CET 2012

On 12/3/12 10:48 AM, Albert wrote:
> On 12/03/2012 04:40 PM, Justin Lemkul wrote:
>> I think every OS has something to complain about, though Linux seems to be the
>> most friendly.  Yes, Mac has its quirks and annoyances (as does Windows, which
>> is becoming more and more common in the scientific realm), but I would
>> disagree that it's a complete nightmare.  I've used a Mac for everything since
>> 2005 and have always found a workaround for any issue.  I think the main
>> problem here is an increasingly complex build system that has to take into
>> account breathtaking complexity in terms of hardware, OS, compilers, etc and
>> it just needs a bit of tweaking.
>> -Justin
> well, probably each person has different opinions. I've just have a talk with
> friends around me who are also work on computational work. They all hold the
> same opions with me. If we would like to use the macOS for computational work,
> in most cases, in fact we are working on LINUX environment instead of macOS.
> They introduced tools to use Linux under macOS such as macPORT. In essence, they
> are not native macOS at all and they are always this or that problem there, and
> you have to waste lot of time working on them.
> Personally, I would never consider and suggest to use macOS for computational
> work. It is no better than Windows for office work and it is no better than
> Linux for computational work, and I find no reasons to use a macOS.

To each his own.  I was hoping my post would re-focus on the fact that we're 
dealing with a build system issue rather than suggesting someone trash their 
computer (which Gromacs should support and will for the foreseeable future). 
Let's allow the original discussion to continue, please, rather than hijack the 
thread.  I'm sure there are plenty of places on the Internet where people trash 
Apple products ;)



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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