Abhijeet Joshi abhijoshi129 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 23:19:08 CET 2012

On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 4:11 PM, David van der Spoel
<spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se>wrote:

> Op 10 feb 2012 om 22:55 heeft Abhijeet Joshi <abhijoshi129 at gmail.com> het
> volgende geschreven:
> Hi ,
>         I am also working on similar systems. Can you tell me where and
> what LJ parameters you specified for halides
> You need the anharmonic term for polarisation. It is implemented in the
> development version of 4.6. No manual entry yet. Even with this term F- is
> difficult to get stable.
> Thanks a lot David,  Could you direct me to some article or reading
material regarding this anharmonic term?

> Thanks in advance,
> Abhijeet
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 8:56 AM, zhongjin <zhongjin1000 at yahoo.com.cn>wrote:
>> Dear GMX users,
>>        I am using GMX4.5.4 to simulate SWM4-NDP polarizable water model,
>> it is OK. But when I use the ions polarizable model which is in conjuction
>> with SWM4-NDP model, the *RMS force is very large:*
>> step 16: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 7.950
>> step 17: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 61.192
>> step 18: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 177.091
>> step 19: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 371.756
>> step 20: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 624.178
>> step 21: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 849.728
>> step 22: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 891.695
>> step 23: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 830.527
>> step 24: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 803.412
>> step 25: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 882.106
>> step 26: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1031.051
>> step 27: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1339.648
>> step 28: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1727.688
>> step 29: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1750.876
>> step 30: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1445.519
>> step 31: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 32: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1210.740
>> step 33: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 526.515
>> step 34: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 35: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 36: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 37: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 38: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 39: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.031
>> step 40: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 41: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 42: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 43: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 44: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 45: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 46: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 47: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 48: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 49: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 50: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 51: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 52: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 53: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 54: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 55: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 56: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 57: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 58: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 59: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 60: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 61: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 62: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 63: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 2.835
>> step 64: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 120.556
>> step 65: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 346.147
>> step 66: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 634.393
>> step 67: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 904.684
>> step 68: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1133.427
>> step 69: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 735.408
>> step 70: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 948.153
>> step 71: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 967.569
>> step 72: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 630.741
>> step 73: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1035.501
>> step 74: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 698.937
>> step 75: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1179.575
>> step 76: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 765.233
>> step 77: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 939.995
>> step 78: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 131.329
>> step 79: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 51.797
>> step 80: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 405.775
>> step 81: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 161.922
>> step 82: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 565.036
>> step 83: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1014.157
>> step 84: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 1136.628
>> step 85: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 86: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 307.819
>> step 87: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 88: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 52.057
>> step 89: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 90: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 91: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 92: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 251.725
>> step 93: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 94: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 95: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 96: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 97: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 98: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 99: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 100: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 101: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 102: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 103: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 104: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.034
>> step 105: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 106: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 107: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 108: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 109: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 110: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 111: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 112: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 113: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 114: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 115: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 116: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 117: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 118: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 119: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 120: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 121: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 122: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 123: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 124: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.031
>> step 125: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 126: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 127: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.031
>> step 128: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 129: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.031
>> step 130: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 131: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.033
>> step 132: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> step 133: EM did not converge in 20 iterations, RMS force 0.032
>> ......
>> the swm4-ndp model :
>> ;
>> ; Topology file for SSWM4-NDP
>> ;
>> ; Lamoureux, G.; Harder, E.; Vorobyov, I. V.; Roux, B.; MacKerell, A. D.
>> ; A polarizable model of water for molecular dynamics simulations of
>> biomolecules.
>> ; Chem. Phys. Lett. 2006, 418 (1-3), 245-249.
>> ;
>> ; Possible defines that you can put in your topol.top:
>> ; -FLEXIBLE       Flexible model
>> ; -DPOSRES_WATER  Position restrain oxygen atoms
>> ;
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname nrexcl
>> SOL           2
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id  at type     res nr  res name  at name  cg nr  charge    mass
>>   1   OW_swm4ndp   1       SOL       OW       1       1.71636   15.99940
>>   2   HW_swm4ndp   1       SOL       HW1      1       0.55733   1.00800
>>   3   HW_swm4ndp   1       SOL       HW2      1       0.55733   1.00800
>>   4   MW_swm4ndp   1       SOL       MW       1      -1.11466   0.00000
>>   5   OD_swm4ndp   1       SOL       OD       1      -1.71636   0.00000
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above. alpha (nm^3)
>> 1 5 1  0.00097825
>> #ifndef FLEXIBLE
>> [ settles ]
>> ; i funct doh dhh
>> 1 1 0.09572 0.15139
>> #else
>> [ bonds ]
>> ; i     j       funct   length  force.c.
>> 1       2       1       0.09572 502416.0
>> 1       3       1       0.09572 502416.0
>> [ angles ]
>> ; i     j       k       funct   angle   force.c.
>> 2       1       3       1       104.52  628.02
>> #endif
>> [ dummies3 ]
>> ; The position of the dummies is computed as follows:
>> ;
>> ;  O
>> ;
>> ;      D
>> ;
>> ; H  H
>> ;
>> ; 2 * b = distance (OD) / [ cos (angle(DOH))  * distance (OH) ]
>> ;   0.024034 nm / [ cos (104.52 / 2 deg) * 0.09572 nm ]
>> ; Dummy pos x4 = x1 + a*(x2-x1) + b*(x3-X1)
>> ;
>> ; Dummy from   funct a  b
>> 4 1 2 3 1 0.205109464 0.205109464
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1 2 3 4 5
>> 2 1 3 4 5
>> 3 1 2 4 5
>> 4 1 2 3 5
>> 5 1 2 3 4
>> the ion parameters in conjuction with it:
>> ; Topology file for Polarizable Alkali and Halide Ions in conjuction with
>> SWM4-NDP water model
>> ;
>> ; Yu, H. B.; Whitfield, T. W.; Harder, E.; Lamoureux, G.; Vorobyov, I.;
>> Anisimov, V. M.; MacKerell, A. D.; Roux, B.
>> ; Simulating Monovalent and Divalent Ions in Aqueous Solution Using a
>> Drude Polarizable Force Field
>> ; J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2010, 6 (3), 774-786.
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> F             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       Fc     1       Fc             Fc     1        1.319199
>> 2       Fs     1       Fs             Fs     1       -2.319199
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.001786
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> CL             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       CLc     1       CLc             CLc    1        2.457187
>> 2       CLs     1       CLs             CLs    1       -3.457187
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.003969
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> BR             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       BRc     1       BRc             BRc    1        2.980713
>> 2       BRs     1       BRs             BRs    1       -3.980713
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.005262
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> I             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       Ic       1       Ic             Ic    1        3.733085
>> 2       Is       1       Is             Is    1       -4.733085
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.007439
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> LI             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       LIc       1       LIc             LIc    1        1.310427
>> 2       LIs       1       LIs             LIs    1       -0.310427
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.000032
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> NA             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       NAc       1       NAc             NAc    1        1.687597
>> 2       NAs       1       NAs             NAs    1       -0.687597
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.000157
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> K             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       Kc       1       Kc             Kc    1        2.580968
>> 2       Ks       1       Ks             Ks    1       -1.580968
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.00083
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> RB             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       RBc       1       RBc            RBc    1        3.031161
>> 2       RBs       1       RBs            RBs    1       -2.031161
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.00137
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; molname       nrexcl
>> CS             1
>> [ atoms ]
>> ; id    at type res nr  residu name     at name cg nr   charge
>> 1       CSc       1       CSc            CSc     1        3.665877
>> 2       CSs       1       CSs            CSs     1       -2.665877
>> [ polarization ]
>> ; See notes above.      alpha (nm^3)
>> 1       2       1       0.00236
>> [ exclusions ]
>> ; iatom excluded from interaction with i
>> 1       2
>> 2       1
>> Anybody could give me some helps ?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> --
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> --
>  Abhijeet Joshi
>  Research Assistant
>  Molecular Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Research Group
>  University of Wisconsin-Madison
>  http://www.engr.wisc.edu/groups/mtsm/index.shtml
>  aajoshi2 at wisc.edu
>  608-320-9215
> --
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 Abhijeet Joshi
 Research Assistant
 Molecular Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Research Group
 University of Wisconsin-Madison
 aajoshi2 at wisc.edu
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