[gmx-users] md in vacuo
Mark Abraham
Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Wed Feb 29 13:04:52 CET 2012
On 29/02/2012 8:33 PM, Thomas Evangelidis wrote:
> Dear GROMACS community,
> I use the following parameters to run MD of ethane in vacuo. Then I
> calculate the H-C-C-H dihedral angle distribution and from that the
> rotational energy barrier using the formula DeltG=-k*T*ln(x), where x
> is the dihedral value. The rotational energy barrier is correct (~ 12
> kJ) with all-bond constraints, but not with h-bond or no bond
> constraints. Could anyone tell me which other parameters to tweak in
> order to get the correct dihedral angle distribution without any bond
> constraints.
> Thanks in advance.
> Thomas
> integrator = md
> tinit = 0.0
> dt = 0.002
This is too long if you are not using all-atom constraints. See manual
6.5 for discussion.
> nsteps = 2500000
> init_step = 0
> simulation_part = 1
> comm-mode = Angular
> nstcomm = 20
> comm-grps =
> emtol = 0.01
> emstep = 0.01
> niter = 0
> fcstep = 0
> nstcgsteep = 1000
> nbfgscorr = 10
> nstxout = 0
> nstvout = 0
> nstfout = 0
> nstlog = 500
> nstcalcenergy = -1
> nstenergy = 500
> nstxtcout = 100
> xtc-precision = 1000
> xtc-grps =
> energygrps = System
> nstlist = 0
> ns_type = simple
> pbc = no
> periodic_molecules = no
> rlist = 0
> rlistlong = -1
> coulombtype = Cut-off
> rcoulomb-switch = 0
> rcoulomb = 0.0
> epsilon_r = 1.0
> epsilon_rf = 1
> vdw-type = Cut-off
> rvdw-switch = 0
> rvdw = 0
> DispCorr = no
> table-extension = 1
> energygrp_table =
> implicit_solvent = No
> tcoupl = v-rescale
> nsttcouple = 5
> nh-chain-length = 10
> tc-grps = System
> tau_t = 0.1
> ref_t = 300
> Pcoupl = no
> Pcoupltype = Isotropic
> nstpcouple = -1
> tau_p = 1
> compressibility =
> ref_p = 1.0 1.0 1.0
> refcoord_scaling = No
> andersen_seed = 815131
> gen_vel = yes
> gen_temp = 300.0
> gen_seed = 173529
> constraints = all-bonds
> constraint-algorithm = Lincs
> continuation = no
> Shake-SOR = no
> shake-tol = 1e-04
> lincs-order = 4
> lincs-iter = 1
> lincs-warnangle = 30
> morse = no
> --
> ======================================================================
> Thomas Evangelidis
> PhD student
> Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
> 4 Soranou Ephessiou , 115 27 Athens, Greece
> email: tevang at bioacademy.gr <mailto:tevang at bioacademy.gr>
> tevang3 at gmail.com <mailto:tevang3 at gmail.com>
> website: https://sites.google.com/site/thomasevangelidishomepage/
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