[gmx-users] Error: Expected a molecule type name and nrexcl
Steven Neumann
s.neumann08 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 16:10:05 CET 2012
Dear Gmx Users,
I have built my system which includes a tube and a protein. I represented
my tube as carbon atoms using Charmm27 ff. I processed pdb2gmx for a tube
and protein togehter and divide it into two itp files including it in my
topoloy file:
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "./charmm27mod.ff/forcefield.itp"
; Include tube topology
#include "Tubes.itp"
; Include Position restraint of Tube
#ifdef POSRES_T
#include "posreTubes.itp"
; Include Protein topology
#include "Protein.itp"
; Include Position restraint of Protein
#ifdef POSRES_P
#include "posreProtein.itp"
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include "posreALL.itp"
; Include water topology
#include "./charmm27mod.ff/tip3p.itp"
; Position restraint for each water oxygen
[ position_restraints ]
; i funct fcx fcy fcz
1 1 1000 1000 1000
; Include topology for ions
#include "./charmm27mod.ff/ions.itp"
[ system ]
; Name
Protein in water
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
Protein_chain_X 1
Tubes_chain_X 1
Then I added 23000 water molecules and trying to process grompp in order to
replace water molecules with ions obtained errors:
ERROR 1 [file Protein.itp, line 6]:
Expected a molecule type name and nrexcl
ERROR 2 [file Protein.itp, line 7]:
Expected a molecule type name and nrexcl
My Protein.itp file is copied from topol.top file and 1st lines look like:
[ moleculetype ]
; Name nrexcl
Protein_chain_X 3
; residue 1009 MET rtp MET q 0.0
1009 NH2 1009 MET N 1009 -0.96 14.007 ; qtot -0.96
1010 H 1009 MET HT1 1010 0.34 1.008 ; qtot -0.62
1011 H 1009 MET HT2 1011 0.34 1.008 ; qtot -0.28
1012 CT1 1009 MET CA 1012 0.19 12.011 ; qtot -0.09
1013 HB 1009 MET HA 1013 0.09 1.008 ; qtot 0
1014 CT2 1009 MET CB 1014 -0.18 12.011 ; qtot -0.18
1015 HA 1009 MET HB1 1015 0.09 1.008 ; qtot -0.09
1016 HA 1009 MET HB2 1016 0.09 1.008 ; qtot 0
1017 CT2 1009 MET CG 1017 -0.14 12.011 ; qtot -0.14
1018 HA 1009 MET HG1 1018 0.09 1.008 ; qtot -0.05
1019 HA 1009 MET HG2 1019 0.09 1.008 ; qtot 0.04
1020 S 1009 MET SD 1020 -0.09 32.06 ; qtot -0.05
1021 CT3 1009 MET CE 1021 -0.22 12.011 ; qtot -0.27
1022 HA 1009 MET HE1 1022 0.09 1.008 ; qtot -0.18
1023 HA 1009 MET HE2 1023 0.09 1.008 ; qtot -0.09
1024 HA 1009 MET HE3 1024 0.09 1.008 ; qtot 0
1025 C 1009 MET C 1025 0.51 12.011 ; qtot 0.51
1026 O 1009 MET O 1026 -0.51 15.999 ; qtot 0
Do you have any clue what is wrong?
Then another Error starting from the 1st (1009) atom of my protein:
Atom index (1009) in bonds out of bounds (1-0).
This probably means that you have inserted topology section "bonds"
in a part belonging to a different molecule than you intended to.
In that case move the "bonds" section to the right molecule.
My tube is not connected with a protein. Should I turn off CMAP? Will it
affect it?
Thank you,
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