[gmx-users] comparing gmx GB energy with Amber11

Per Larsson per.larsson at sbc.su.se
Fri Nov 9 14:32:20 CET 2012

After some investigation, it turns out that this is explained by the differences in input radii for the GB-calculation done by Gromacs and Amber.
The radii in the gbsa.itp-file are not the same as the ones used by Amber. 

If one changes the radii in gbsa.itp, you get a difference in 0-step energy (at least for the system below) of 0.2 kJ/mol, which is tolerable. I have pasted a copy of the gbsa.itp-file below, in case it is useful for someone. This was tested with amber99sb.


[ implicit_genborn_params ]

; atype      sar      st     pi       gbr       hct
;Br           0.1      1      1        0.125     0.85 ; H
C            0.172    1      1.554    0.17    0.72 ; C
CA           0.18     1      1.037    0.17    0.72 ; C
CB           0.172    0.012  1.554    0.17    0.72 ; C
CC           0.172    1      1.554    0.17    0.72 ; C
CN           0.172    0.012  1.554    0.17    0.72 ; C
CR           0.18     1      1.073    0.17    0.72 ; C
CT           0.18     1      1.276    0.17     0.72 ; C
CV           0.18     1      1.073    0.17    0.72 ; C
CW           0.18     1      1.073    0.17    0.72 ; C
C*           0.172    0.012  1.554    0.17    0.72 ; C
H            0.1      1      1        0.13     0.85 ; H
HC           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
H1           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
HA           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
H4           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
H5           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
HO           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
HS           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
HP           0.1      1      1        0.12     0.85 ; H
N            0.155    1      1.028    0.155   0.79 ; N
NA           0.155    1      1.028    0.155   0.79 ; N
NB           0.155    1      1.215    0.155   0.79 ; N
N2           0.16     1      1.215    0.155   0.79 ; N
N3           0.16     1      1.215    0.155    0.79 ; N
O            0.15     1      0.926    0.15     0.85 ; O
OH           0.152    1      1.080    0.15    0.85 ; O
O2           0.17     1      0.922    0.15     0.85 ; O
S            0.18     1      1.121    0.18    0.96 ; S
SH           0.18     1      1.121    0.18    0.96 ; S

; masscenters for vsites do not have gbsa parameters

MNH3         0        0      0        0         0
MCH3         0        0      0        0         0

8 nov 2012 kl. 23:42 skrev Sandeep Somani:

> Hi Per
> I tried with single precision gmx as well. No change.
> Will send you input files soon.
> Best
> Sandeep
> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Per Larsson <per.larsson at sbc.su.se> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Thanks for doing those test. They are all reassuring, I think.
>> Could you maybe send me your input-files off list and I'll take a look.
>> I suspect the issue is that different radii are being used, as Gromacs
>> does not use the Bondi radii.
>> Cheers
>> /Per
>> 8 nov 2012 kl. 16:35 skrev Sandeep Somani:
>>> Hi Per
>>> Pls see inline comments:
>>>> 1. If I recall correctly, the GB-energy in gromacs is split into two
>>>> parts, GB-polarization and non-polar solvation. Can you check whether
>> this
>>>> is the case and if the value you report is the sum of those two terms.
>>> Yes, gromacs prints out "GB Polarization" and "Nonpolar Sol."
>>> corresponding to "EGB" and "ESURF", respectively, from Amber.
>>> Right now I am just comparing EGB part (non polar also do not match but
>>> since it is a much smaller contribution, will worry about that later!).
>>>> 2. Try setting all cut-offs to 0 (infinite cutoffs). That will trigger a
>>>> slightly different part of the code to do the GB-calculation (you should
>>>> see in your log file references to all-vs-all kernels)
>>> Just tried -- no change.
>>> (btw, i didnt know 0 => no-cutoff. thnx!)
>>>> 3. Try running in single precision, keeping in mind 1 and 2 above to see
>>>> if that helps. Also, try setting the GMX_NOOPTIMIZEDKERNELS variable to
>> 1
>>>> (at least it used to be called that, someone else can perhaps correct
>> me if
>>>> that has changed). This will make the code run without the sse-loops.
>>>> I'll try shortly.
>>>> 4. It could be that you are using different radii for the atoms in your
>>>> system. For amber, are you using the Bondi-radii or something else?
>>>> I tried both "set default PBradii mbondi" and "set default PBradii
>>> mbondi2" while creating amber prmtop files in leap. The difference in EGB
>>> is just 2-3 kcal/mol .. not enough to bridge the gap.
>>> Best
>>> Sandeep
>>>> Cheers
>>>> /Per
>>>> 8 nov 2012 kl. 05:43 skrev Sandeep Somani:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am comparing single point amber ff energies from gmx4.5.5 (double
>>>>> precision) and Amber11.
>>>>> All bonded and non-bonded energy terms are in very good agreement
>> (within
>>>>> 0.1 kJ/mol) except GB:
>>>>> gmx 'GB polarization' = -200 kJ/mol
>>>>> amber 11 'EGB'         = -283 kJ/mol.
>>>>> I am basically trying to replicate Amber's "igb=5 + large cutoff" in
>> gmx.
>>>>> According to Amber manual igb=5 corresponds to "model 2 of [2004 OBC
>>>>> paper]".
>>>>> I translated this to the following mdp options:
>>>>>    ----
>>>>> implicit_solvent    = GBSA
>>>>> gb_algorithm        = OBC
>>>>> All cut-offs (rcoulomb, rvdw, rlist, rgbradii) larger than the size of
>>>> the
>>>>> molecule.
>>>>> {gb_epsilon_solvent, gb_saltconc, gb_obc_alpha, gb_obc_beta,
>>>> gb_obc_gamma,
>>>>> gb_dielectric_offset} = corresponding Amber input.
>>>>>    ----
>>>>> Is that correct?
>>>>> I realize that this is as much a question for Amber mailing list, but
>>>>> trying here first! Any idea?
>>>>> The molecule is ala-12. I'll be happy to send input files.
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>> Sandeep
>>>>> --
>>>>> Postdoc
>>>>> Wales Group
>>>>> Cambridge
>>>>> --
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