[gmx-users] Adding His tag to N-ter of a protein

Jong Wha Lee jongwha12 at postech.ac.kr
Fri Nov 23 06:24:06 CET 2012

Dear all,


I'm trying to simulate a protein with artificial six histidine residues
added on the N-terminal. As all would know very well, it is common to have
His tag attached on protein for purification reasons, and is thought to
affect the protein's activity minimally. I'm suspecting that in my case this
His tag might affect the protein's activity greatly, and want to add His tag
to my protein model. An NMR structure of the protein without His tag is
available on PDB, but is of course without His tag. I have tried several
programs to attach six histidines to the N-terminus, but failed as the chain
is no longer recognized as a protein after the modification. I would be
grateful if anyone could give me a clue on this.


Many thanks in advance.




Jong Wha Lee


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