[gmx-users] About Lipid Protein simualtion
vidhya sankar
scvsankar_agr at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 4 19:12:30 CEST 2012
Dear Justin ,
Thank you for you Previous reply.
I am doing Simulation of Cyclic Peptide in Lipids I am following your tutorial When I use inflategro script For my System I have got Output System_inflated.gro file with certain message in Command prompt as follows . The Below Message Shows That There is No Lipid Molecules Are Deleted Should I Change the Cut-off or scaling Factor to Delete the Lipid Molecules or is it enough , I Mean Must Some Lipid Molecules Need to be Deleted ?
There are 128 lipids...
with 50 atoms per lipid..
Determining upper and lower leaflet...
64 lipids in the upper...
64 lipids in the lower leaflet
Centering protein....
Checking for overlap....
...this might actually take a while....
100 % done...
There are 0 lipids within cut-off range...
0 will be removed from the upper leaflet...
0 will be removed from the lower leaflet...
Writing scaled bilayer & centered protein...
Calculating Area per lipid...
Protein X-min/max: 19 40
Protein Y-min/max: 21 39
X-range: 21 A Y-range: 18 A
Building 21 X 18 2D grid on protein coordinates...
Calculating area occupied by protein..
full TMD..
upper TMD....
lower TMD....
Area per protein: 4 nm^2
Area per lipid: 8.9375 nm^2
Area per protein, upper half: 3.5 nm^2
Area per lipid, upper leaflet : 8.9453125 nm^2
Area per protein, lower half: 3.5 nm^2
Area per lipid, lower leaflet : 8.9453125 nm^2
Writing Area per lipid...
2) Also When I Run Grompp for EM Which Topology Should I use ? I have used my Multi chain protein.top When I Have used that I got Error AS follows
Fatal error:
[ file strong_porse.itp, line 8 ]:
Atom index (4) in position_restraints out of bounds (1-3).
This probably means that you have inserted topology section "position_restraints"
in a part belonging to a different molecule than you intended to.
In that case move the "position_restraints" section to the right molecule.
For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
How to Rectify the Problem?
Thanks In Advance
With High Regards
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