[gmx-users] Bug in pdb2gmx: terminal COOH in GROMOS force fields

Thomas Schlesier schlesi at uni-mainz.de
Fri Dec 6 18:01:59 CET 2013

Hi all,
for the COOH terminal group one of the angles (the one including two 
carbons and the oxygen which carries the hydrogen) does not get 
overwritten by aminoacids.c.tdb.

Ok, somewhat slower:
Used ASPH as a test molecule and chose a -COOH capping group.

 From aminoacids.rtp:

[ ASPH ]
  [ atoms ]
     C     C       0.450     3
     O     O      -0.450     3
  [ angles ]
;  ai    aj    ak   gromos type
    CA     C     O     ga_30

 From aminoacids.c.tdb:

[ COOH ]
[ replace ]
C       C       C       12.011  0.33
O       O       OA      15.9994 -0.288
OXT     OT      O       15.9994 -0.45
[ angles ]
O       C       OT      ga_33
C       O       HO      ga_12
CA      C       O       ga_19
CA      C       OT      ga_30

This mean that from [ASPH] the atom named O with the type O should 
exchange by an atom named O with the typ OA.
Additionally the angle for CA-C-O should change form ga_30 to ga_19

Result from pdb2gmx:

;       It was generated using program:
;       pdb2gmx - VERSION 4.6.5
;       Command line was:
;       pdb2gmx -f asp.pdb -o asp.gro -p asp.top -asp -ter
; Include forcefield parameters
#include "gromos53a5.ff/forcefield.itp"
[ atoms ]
    10          C      1   ASPH      C      4      0.658     12.011   ;
    11          O      1   ASPH     OT      4      -0.45    15.9994   ;
    12         OA      1   ASPH      O      4     -0.611    15.9994   ;
[ angles ]
     4    10    11     2    ga_30
     4    10    12     2    ga_30

First line from the posted [angle] is the right angle with the atom 
named OT.
In the second line we have still the angle from [ASPH] which doesn't get 
replaced by the angle from [COOH].

I tested this with GMX 4.6.5 and GMX 4.0.7 -> Think every version from 
GMX 4.X.Y series is affected.
Also tested it with the gromos53a5, gromos53a6, gromos43a1 force fields 
-> Think every gromos force field might be affected.


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