[gmx-users] confusion about pdb file and coordinate.xvg file
Justin Lemkul
jalemkul at vt.edu
Mon Feb 4 14:40:39 CET 2013
On 2/4/13 8:06 AM, biki wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am doing simulation of 864 spce water molecules in a cubic box of 3nm length in gromacs-4.55 version.
> I have generated the trajectory file using trjconv utility in gromacs. Using the trr file used to generate the .pdb file, I have generated the co-ordinates of H atoms of water using g_traj utility. I thought I will get the same value of co-ordinates of H atoms in both the files in a particular time step. But it was not so. I am attaching here a part of both the files containing the co-ordinates of H atoms in the first time step. Please note that I have modified and removed the co-ordinates of oxygen atoms from the pdb file. So, Its not exactly the standard format.
> My doubts are:
> 1. Am I wrong in thinking that in both the files, co-ordinates of same atoms in a particular time step should be same?
> 2. If I am wrong, then what is correct ?
> 3. If I am correct then what may be the possible cause of having different coordinates in both the files?
The coordinates aren't different in terms of the numbers they actually
represent. Gromacs uses nm as a standard unit; PDB files use Angstrom. Note
that your numbers are different by exactly a factor of 10.
Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
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