[gmx-users] g_current
Nilesh Dhumal
ndhumal at andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Feb 23 16:17:14 CET 2013
I am calculating the correlation of the rotational and translational
dipole moment of the system using g_current.
I used following command
g_current -f md.trr -s md.tpr mc
It crashed with segmental fault.
Last frame 15000 time 30000.002
Prefactor fit E-H: 1 / 6.0*V*k_B*T: 2.45747e-11
Average translational dipole moment M_J [enm] after 15001 frames (|M|^2):
-0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 (0.000000)
Average molecular dipole moment M_D [enm] after 15001 frames (|M|^2):
-7.281919 17.954138 5.845435 (490.493744)
Absolute values:
<M_D^2> , <M_J^2>, <(M_J*M_D)^2>: (490.493744, 0.000000, -0.000003)
deltaM_D , deltaM_J, deltaM_JD: (80.947235, 0.000000, 0.000000)
Static dielectric constant using integral and fluctuations: 450.336090
< M_JM_D > via integral: -0.000
Average volume V=42.031509 nm^3 at T=300.000000 K
and corresponding refactor 1.0 / 3.0*V*k_B*T*EPSILON_0: 5.550975
Start fit at 98.000008 ps (100.000000).
End fit at 398.000031 ps (400.000000).
Einstein-Helfand fit to the MSD of the translational dipole moment yields:
translational fraction of M^2: 0.0000
Dielectric constant using EH: 2723.7188
Segmentation fault
Can you whats the problem?
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