[gmx-users] simulating protein in gas-phase
Sanku M
msanku65 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 6 21:09:41 CET 2013
Dear Gromacs users,
I am trying to perform a MD simulation in gromacs 4.5.4 using a protein and ligand in gas phase.
I have previously run the simulation in water without any problem. Now, I want to compare the result to see the effect of solvent.
But for running the same simulation after stripping the waters from the simulation box I am looking for some advise.
I am having following issues:
a) If I use 'md' i.e usual leap frog integrator with nstcomm=10 and comm-mode=Linear( this was the setup I had when I ran the simulation in water), I find after running the system of protein and ligand in gas phase for some time ( about 1 ns ), the protein starts rotating i.e it generates a very high angular momentum.
b) So, I thought of using comm-mode=angular,,, But then grompp gives me a warning that removing rotation is not a problem only if I have only 1 molecule in the system ...which is not the case here as I have ligand and some ions . Any suggestion is highly appreciated. I can change nstcomm=1 using comm-mode=Linear but I am not sure it will stop the rotation of the protein about its own axis.
I am running the system using periodic boundary condition and using PME for electrostatics.
c) another option I thought of was using 'sd' integrator but considering my simulation in water having been performed using md integrator, I was looking to keep my .mdp file option as similar as possible in both cases.
Any help on how to perform the simulations in gas-phase will be highly appreciated.
Here is my current .mdp options:
title = Umbrella pulling simulation
; Run parameters
integrator = md
dt = 0.002
tinit = 0
nsteps = 1500000 ; 800 ps
nstcomm = 10
; Output parameters
nstxout = 0000 ; every 10 ps
nstvout = 0000
nstfout = 0000
nstxtcout = 250
nstenergy = 250
; Bond parameters
constraint_algorithm = lincs
constraints = hbonds
continuation = yes
; Single-range cutoff scheme
nstlist = 5
ns_type = grid
rlist = 1.4
rcoulomb = 1.4
rvdw = 1.4
; PME electrostatics parameters
coulombtype = PME
fourierspacing = 0.12
fourier_nx = 0
fourier_ny = 0
fourier_nz = 0
pme_order = 4
ewald_rtol = 1e-5
optimize_fft = yes
; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in two groups
Tcoupl = Nose-Hoover
tc_grps = System
tau_t = 0.5
ref_t = 300
; Pressure coupling is on
Pcoupl = no
pcoupltype = isotropic
tau_p = 1.0
compressibility = 4.5e-5
ref_p = 1.0
; Generate velocities is on
gen_vel = yes
; Periodic boundary conditions are on in all directions
pbc = xyz
; Long-range dispersion correction
DispCorr = EnerPres
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