[gmx-users] conversion of Gromacs trajectories (rhombic dodecahedric), and topologies to Amber format

Anna Marabotti amarabotti at unisa.it
Mon Jan 21 11:29:01 CET 2013

Dear gmx-users,
I followed the suggestions by Justin and Daniel to convert the 
trajectories, but still Amber does not recognize the correct format and 
complains about the fact that it does not find the correct box dimensions.
It seems that the two tools are quite incompatible, especially when the 
trajectory is not in the classic cubic format.
This is just for records since it is a recurrent query in the gmx-user 
archive, still apparently with no solution.
Many thanks in any case and best regards

Anna Marabotti, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biology
University of Salerno
Via Ponte don Melillo
84084 Fisciano (SA)
Phone: +39 089 969583
Fax: +39 089 969603
E-mail: amarabotti at unisa.it
Skype: annam1972

"When a man with a gun meets a man with a pen, the man with the gun is a dead man"
(Roberto Benigni, about Roberto Saviano)

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