[gmx-users] Re: Inquiry about a completely user defined force field

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Thu Jan 31 22:57:56 CET 2013

On 1/31/13 1:57 PM, S. Alireza Bagherzadeh wrote:
> Dear Dr.Abraham,
> Thank you for taking the time to look at my files.
> However, I have one question remained in my mind:
> Where is the "atomtypes.atp" used in the force field?
> I suspect that this file is only for clarification for the user in
> order to eliminate/minimize
> confusion and this file is not read by the program. Am I correct?

No, the .atp file is used by pdb2gmx.  See the manual.

> I would also like to ask you for any insight on why in my system the tempera
> ture keeps increasing linearly with time under NVE ensemble (even up to
> unrealistic T of 550K)? I have verified this force filed with DL_POLY and
> my system showed a gradual temperature decrease which is the correct
> physical behavior of the system.

Sorry, can't comment here.  Without an .mdp file, it's hard to say anything. 
Apologies if you posted it before and I missed it.

> One clue which might be useful is that even though when I hand-calculate
> the total charge of my system to be zero, the gormacs warns me that my
> system has the total charge of 0.000108. Could this be the reason? Do you
> have any suggestions for me to solve this potential problem? (I am not
> using gromacs in double-precision mode).

Probably just a normal consequence of floating-point math.  Check the topology 
to be sure.



> Best regards,
> Alireza
>> Today's Topics:
>>     1. Protein in vacum (Shima Arasteh)
>>     2. Re: Inquiry about a completely user defined force field
>>        (Mark Abraham)
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 11:59:37 +0100
>> From: Mark Abraham <mark.j.abraham at gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Inquiry about a completely user defined force
>>          field
>> To: Discussion list for GROMACS users <gmx-users at gromacs.org>
>> Message-ID:
>>          <
>> CAMNuMARsFD+WrWqrcPujiPsVcZYPZ8KuJVaxD9h4kO51zLBzrg at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> There's nothing that leaps out at me as being wrong - but syntax checking
>> is the job of the parser (grompp) and logic checking can only be done by
>> you. To do that, I would proceed slowly, demonstrating that small chunks of
>> the force field can be used to generate results you can validate against
>> something external (e.g. experiment, or a reference implementation of the
>> force field). Don't just grab your simulation system and assume everything
>> works!
>> Mark
>> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:35 AM, S. Alireza Bagherzadeh <
>> s.a.bagherzadeh.h at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear gmx-users,
>>> I am simulating a system in which I have a force field that is not
>> included
>>> in gromacs forcefields.
>>> So, I decided to construct my own force field in a sub-directory of my
>>> actual
>>> run.
>>> I read chapter 5 of gromacs 4.5.4 user manual (pgs. 107-139) and I
>> prepared
>>> the following files.
>>> Below I am copying the content of a few sample files as well as my
>> topology
>>> file.
>>> I appreciate it if you could take a look and advise me whether anything
>> is
>>> missing, wrong or incomplete.
>>> Best regards,
>>> *{topol.top}:*
>>> ; Topology for methane hydrate between silica surfaces in contact with
>>> water and gas
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/forcefield.itp"
>>> ;Hydrate
>>> ;-----------------------------------------------
>>> ; water topology - hydrate phase
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/spce_hyd.itp"
>>> ; methane topology - large cages of hydrate phase
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/UAmethane_lc.itp"
>>> ; methane topology - small cages of hydrate phase
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/UAmethane_sc.itp"
>>> ;------------------------------------------------
>>> ; water topology - liquid water
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/spce_liq.itp"
>>> ;Silica
>>> ;----------------------------
>>> ; silica topology - bulk Si
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/SilicaLopez_Si.itp"
>>> ; silica topology - bulk  O
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/SilicaLopez_Oi.itp"
>>> ; silica topology - surface O
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/SilicaLopez_Os.itp"
>>> ; silica topology - surface H
>>> #include
>> "/home/alireza/Silica_H2O_Gas_Hyd_Decomp/topol_preparation/myff.ff/SilicaLopez_Hs.itp"
>>> ;-----------------------------
>>> [ system ]
>>> ; Name
>>> Methane hydrate between 2 silica surfaces in contact with water and gas
>>> [ molecules ]
>>> ; Compound             #mols
>>> HydrateW               2322
>>> HydG_sc                81
>>> HydG_lc                276
>>> SOL                    3413
>>> Silica_Si              1848
>>> Silica_Oi              3360
>>> Silica_Os              672
>>> Silica_Hs              672
>>> *{atomtypes.atp}:*
>>> ;atmnm   mass
>>> Description
>>> Reference
>>>     O   15.99940 ; water oxygen (hydrate & liquid phase),
>>> tip4p-ice                    :
>>> Ospc   15.99940 ; water oxygen (hydrate & liquid phase),
>>> spc/e                        :
>>>     H    1.00800 ; water hydrogen (hydrate & liquid phase),
>>> tip4p-ice                  :
>>> Hspc    1.00800 ; water hydrogen (hydrate & liquid phase),
>>> spc/e                      :
>>>     E    0.00000 ; dummy atom
>>> (tip4p-ice)                                              :
>>>   CH4   16.04300 ; United Atom methane (small/large cages of hydrate
>> phase &
>>> gas phase):
>>>    Si   28.08550 ; silica silicon (quartz
>>> phase)                                       :
>>>    Oi   15.99940 ; silica oxygen, bulk (inside) of the
>>> crystal                         :
>>>    Os   15.99940 ; silica oxygen, surface of crystal (hydroxyl
>>> group)                  :
>>>    Hs    1.00800 ; silica hydrogen, surface of crystal (hydroxyl
>>> group)                :
>>> *{ffnonbonded.itp}:*
>>> [ atomtypes ]
>>> ; name      at.num  mass      charge ptype  sigma(nm)   epsilon(kj/mol)
>>> H            1       1.0080   0.5897  A   0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00 ;
>>> tip4p-ice: JCP 122,234511(2005)
>>> Hspc         1       1.0080   0.4238  A   0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00 ;
>> spce:
>>> Hs           1       1.0080   0.3200  A   0.04000e+00  0.19246e+00 ;
>> Lopez
>>> et al: JPCB 110,2782 (2006)
>>> CH4          6      16.0430   0.0000  A   0.36400e+00  1.36500e+00 ;
>> United
>>> Atom: JPC 87,4198(1983)
>>> O            8      15.9994   0.0000  A   0.31668e+00  0.88217e+00 ;
>>> tip4p-ice: JCP 122,234511(2005)
>>> Ospc         8      15.9994  -0.8476  A   0.31656e+00  0.65017e+00 ;
>> spc/e:
>>> Oi           8      15.9994  -0.5300  A   0.31538e+00  0.63639e+00 ;
>> Lopez
>>> et al: JPCB 110,2782 (2006)
>>> Os           8      15.9994  -0.6400  A   0.31538e+00  0.63639e+00 ;
>> Lopez
>>> et al: JPCB 110,2782 (2006)
>>> Si          14      28.0855   1.0800  A   0.39200e+00  2.51040e+00 ;
>> Lopez
>>> et al: JPCB 110,2782 (2006)
>>> E            0       0.0000  -1.1794  D   0.00000e+00  0.00000e+00 ;
>>> tip4p-ice: JCP 122,234511(2005)
>>> *{forcefield.itp}:*
>>> [ defaults ]
>>> ; nbfunc        comb-rule       gen-pairs       fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
>>>    1             2               no              1.0     1.0
>>> ;--------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ;L-J            lorentz-
>>> ;interaction    berthelott
>>> ;function       combination
>>> ;               rule
>>> #include "ffnonbonded.itp"
>>> ;#include "ffbonded.itp"
>>> *{SilicaLopez_Hs.itp}:*
>>> ; methane topology - small cages of hydrate phase
>>> [ moleculetype ]
>>> ; Name                       nrexcl
>>> Silica_Hs                      1
>>> [ atoms ]
>>> ;   nr       type  resnr residue   atom   cgnr     charge        mass
>>>       1       Hs      1    SiOH     Hs      1      0.3200        1.008
>>> *{spce_hyd.itp}:*
>>> ;spce water for Hydrate phase
>>> ;
>>> [ moleculetype ]
>>> ; molname       nrexcl
>>> HydrateW        2
>>> [ atoms ]
>>> ;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge      mass    qtot
>>>       1   Ospc      1    HYDW   OWc      1    -0.8476    15.994  ; -0.8476
>>>       2   Hspc      1    HYDW   HWc      1     0.4238     1.008  ; -0.4238
>>>       3   Hspc      1    HYDW   HWc      1     0.4238     1.008  ;  0.0
>>> [ constraints ]
>>> ; i     j       func    d (nm)
>>> 1       2       1      0.10000
>>> 1       3       1      0.10000
>>> 2       3       1      0.16330
>>> [ exclusions ]
>>> 1       2       3
>>> 2       1       3
>>> 3       1       2
>>> *{UAmethane_gas.itp}:*
>>> ; methane topology - gas phase
>>> [ moleculetype ]
>>> ; Name                       nrexcl
>>> MethaneG                      1
>>> [ atoms ]
>>> ;   nr       type  resnr residue   atom   cgnr     charge        mass
>>>       1       CH4      1    GAS      Cg      1      0.000      16.043
>>> --
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>> End of gmx-users Digest, Vol 105, Issue 136
>> *******************************************


Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080


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