[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 114, Issue 15

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Tue Oct 29 00:50:26 CET 2013

On 10/28/13 7:41 PM, Hari Pandey wrote:
> Thank you so much  Mark.
> I still did not understand. More detaily.  Atomtypes are only following:
> atomtypes.atp::
> H       1.00800 ;       polar H
> DUM        0.00000 ;       dummy atom
> HAL1       1.008000 ;      alphatic proton
> HAL2       1.008000 ;      alphatic proton
> HAL3       1.008000 ;      alphatic proton
> CTL1       12.011000 ;     carbonyl C (acetic acid/methyl acetate);;;;;;;;;;;
> CTL1       12.011000 ;     sp3 carbon with 1 H (-CH1-)
> CTL2       12.011000 ;     carbon of methylene group (-CH2-)
> CTL3       12.011000 ;     carbon of methyl group (-CH3)
> OBL        15.999400 ;     acetic acid carboxyl oxygen (e. to protein OB)
> OCL        15.999400 ;     acetate oxygen
> OSL        15.999400 ;     ester oxygen
> O2L          15.999400 ;     Nucleic acid =O in phosphate or sulfate
> SL           32.060000 ;     Sulfate sulfur
> NA           22.989770    ;     FOR  sodium ion
> MR.rtp:
> S            SL      1.3600          0
>          OS1     O2L     -0.6000         0
>          OS2     O2L     -0.6000         0
>          OS3     O2L     -0.6000         0
>          C1      CTL1    -0.1900         0
>          H1      HAL1    0.0900          0
>          C2      CTL2    -0.1800         1
>          H2      HAL2    0.0900          1
>          H3      HAL2    0.0900          1
>          C3      CL      0.6300          2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>          O1      OBL     -0.5200         2
>          O2      OSL     -0.3400         2
>          C4      CTL2    -0.1800         3
>          H4      HAL2    0.0900          3
>          H5      HAL2    0.0900          3
>          C5      CTL1    -0.0900         4
>          H6      HAL1    0.0900          4
>          C6      CTL2    -0.1800         5
>          H7      HAL2    0.0900          5
>          H8      HAL2    0.0900          5
>          C7      CTL2    -0.1800         6
>          H9      HAL2    0.0900          6
>          H10     HAL2    0.0900          6
>          C8      CTL2    -0.1800         7
>          H11     HAL2    0.0900          7
>          H12     HAL2    0.0900          7
>          C9      CTL3    -0.2700         8
>          H13     HAL3    0.0900          8
>          H14     HAL3    0.0900          8
>          H15     HAL3    0.0900          8
>          C10     CTL2    -0.1800         9
>          H16     HAL2    0.0900          9
>          H17     HAL2    0.0900          9
>          C11     CTL3    -0.2700         10
>          H18     HAL3    0.0900          10
>          H19     HAL3    0.0900          10
>          H20     HAL3    0.0900          10
>          C12     CL      0.6300          11 ;;;;;
>          O3      OBL     -0.5200         11
>          O4      OSL     -0.3400         11
>          C13     CTL2    -0.1800         12
>          H21     HAL2    0.0900          12
>          H22     HAL2    0.0900          12
>          C14     CTL1    -0.0900         13
>          H23     HAL1    0.0900          13
>          C15     CTL2    -0.1800         14
>          H24     HAL2    0.0900          14
>          H25     HAL2    0.0900          14
>          C16     CTL2    -0.1800         15
>          H26     HAL2    0.0900          15
>          H27     HAL2    0.0900          15
>          C17     CTL2    -0.1800         16
> I have A.pdb and  I got A.gro  using this force field.
> Some part of  A.pdb::
> REMARK   Created:  Fri Jun 08 12:50:20 Paris, Madrid (heure d'?t?) 2007
> CRYST1     8.760   8.760   8.760  90.00  90.00  90.00 P1        1
> MODEL        1
> ATOM      1  S   AOT   151       6.864  -6.902   0.078  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      2  OS1 AOT   151       7.820  -5.791  -0.815  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      3  OS2 AOT   151       5.369  -7.134  -0.714  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      4  OS3 AOT   151       6.589  -6.277   1.657  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      5  C1  AOT   151       7.728  -8.482   0.196  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      6  H1  AOT   151       8.702  -8.326   0.676  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      7  C2  AOT   151       7.952  -8.937  -1.268  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      8  H2  AOT   151       7.067  -9.120  -1.697  1.00  0.00
> ATOM      9  H3  AOT   151       8.423  -8.212  -1.771  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     10  C3  AOT   151       6.874  -9.526   1.026  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     11  O1  AOT   151       6.661  -9.024   2.356  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     12  O2  AOT   151       7.505 -10.821   1.169  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     13  C4  AOT   151       6.679 -11.663   1.968  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     14  H4  AOT   151       5.837 -11.877   1.473  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     15  H5  AOT   151       6.454 -11.200   2.825  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     16  C5  AOT   151       7.443 -12.948   2.264  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     17  H6  AOT   151       8.370 -12.683   2.786  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     18  C6  AOT   151       6.520 -13.788   3.227  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     19  H7  AOT   151       5.703 -14.049   2.713  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     20  H8  AOT   151       6.258 -13.205   3.996  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     21  C7  AOT   151       7.156 -15.071   3.796  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     22  H9  AOT   151       7.386 -15.690   3.045  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     23  H10 AOT   151       7.987 -14.835   4.300  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     24  C8  AOT   151       6.164 -15.763   4.742  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     25  H11 AOT   151       5.919 -15.140   5.485  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     26  H12 AOT   151       5.341 -16.019   4.236  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     27  C9  AOT   151       6.825 -17.024   5.323  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     28  H13 AOT   151       6.186 -17.482   5.941  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     29  H14 AOT   151       7.649 -16.767   5.828  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     30  H15 AOT   151       7.071 -17.645   4.579  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     31  C10 AOT   151       7.781 -13.600   0.859  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     32  H16 AOT   151       8.245 -12.909   0.305  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     33  H17 AOT   151       6.914 -13.847   0.427  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     34  C11 AOT   151       8.675 -14.865   0.885  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     35  H18 AOT   151       8.819 -15.191  -0.049  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     36  H19 AOT   151       8.226 -15.580   1.422  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     37  H20 AOT   151       9.557 -14.642   1.299  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     38  C12 AOT   151       8.787 -10.187  -1.298  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     39  O3  AOT   151       8.970 -10.608  -2.647  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     40  O4  AOT   151      10.052  -9.886  -0.718  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     41  C13 AOT   151      10.844 -11.080  -0.668  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     42  H21 AOT   151      10.425 -11.731  -0.035  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     43  H22 AOT   151      10.892 -11.486  -1.581  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     44  C14 AOT   151      12.263 -10.738  -0.185  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     45  H23 AOT   151      12.192 -10.271   0.810  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     46  C15 AOT   151      12.814  -9.668  -1.245  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     47  H24 AOT   151      12.813 -10.118  -2.138  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     48  H25 AOT   151      12.165  -8.908  -1.254  1.00  0.00
> ATOM     49  C16 AOT   151      14.233  -9.049  -1.05

There are several inconsistencies here, not the least of which is that the .rtp 
and coordinates do not match.  It appears that something has gotten cut off in 
the copy-paste process.

> The I  run "editconf" which gives me wrong mass and density.
> I am worried because
> So please let me know what  can I do to correct this.
> How do I get  "mass of input " correct?

The topology is correct.  Whatever editconf says has little relevance, in my 

> The mass of input deviate large from actual.
> I am writing again: editconf -c  -f A.gro -o A.gro   -density 1000  -bt cubic -box  5 -d 0.1 .

This command line is doing several things simultaneously that potentially 
conflict and you're trying to make a single molecule scale its coordinates to 
have a density of 1000.  This doesn't make much sense.  What are you trying to 

> The mass of input displayed by GROMACS is 967  but actual mass is 444 in a.m.u

If 444 is in the topology and 444 is what is correct, then that's all that 
really matters because only the topology is relevant for dynamics.  There's 
probably some atom name mismatch that editconf is not picking up correctly 
(hence why I noted the incompleteness above) and the WARNING that is printed to 
indicate this fact.



Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 601
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441


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