[gmx-users] future of shell completions in GROMACS

Teemu Murtola teemu.murtola at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 18:42:22 CET 2014


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Djurre de Jong-Bruinink <
djurredejong at yahoo.com> wrote:

> On a slightly related issue: the enviroment variable "GMX_NO_CREDITS"
> doesn't work anymore in gmx5b. That made my work in the terminal a lot
> easier too (Not that I think you guys don't deserve the credits!). Is that
> planned to be reimplemented? I also find the template/layout of the
> "credits-section" less structured and appealing than in the old version.

The -quiet and -nocopyright command-line options have largely replaced the
need for the environment variable. GMX_NO_CREDITS was added in 4.6 as a
workaround for the lack of such options (whose implementation required some
extra refactoring). Is there some need that isn't satisfied by these
options (and possibly shell aliases)?


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