[gmx-users] future of shell completions in GROMACS

Teemu Murtola teemu.murtola at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 20:59:48 CET 2014


On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 7:40 PM, <jkrieger at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> ok. I suppose I can try.

If you want to help, I suggest starting from the completion files generated
by https://gerrit.gromacs.org/#/c/2590/ (they get generated to
src/programs/completion when you run 'make completion'). Those work for
bash; nothing is generated for others. For zsh, it might be easiest to try
to use the same completions with bashcompinit. As Szilard said, you don't
necessarily need to know C/C++ (although the code that generates the
completions is written with those). What we would need is help in
investigating how to implement the support in the first place, and for
that, it is sufficient to have an outline of how the generated completions
should look like for tcsh or zsh. And then it would be nice to have some
people actually try out the completions.

Best regards,

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