[gmx-users] maximum number of specbonds?

Soren Wacker swacker at ucalgary.ca
Thu Jun 19 19:01:37 CEST 2014

Something is really weird about that system.
The error message changes with the number of residues I use. 
Everything works fine for 2 and 3 residues. With 4 residues I get :
Warning: Starting residue DUL1 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Warning: Starting residue DUL2 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Warning: Starting residue DUL3 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Warning: Starting residue DUL4 in chain not identified as Protein/RNA/DNA.
Problem with chain definition, or missing terminal residues.
This chain does not appear to contain a recognized chain molecule.
If this is incorrect, you can edit residuetypes.dat to modify the behavior.
11 out of 11 lines of specbond.dat converted successfully
Special Atom Distance matrix:
                    DUL1    DUL1    DUL1    DUL2    DUL2    DUL2    DUL3
                    DU01    DU12    DU23    DU04    DU15    DU26    DU07
    DUL1    DU12   0.200
    DUL1    DU23   0.346   0.200
    DUL2    DU04   0.400   0.346   0.529
    DUL2    DU15   0.529   0.400   0.529   0.200
    DUL2    DU26   0.529   0.346   0.400   0.346   0.200
    DUL3    DU07   0.400   0.600   0.721   0.693   0.872   0.916
    DUL3    DU18   0.200   0.400   0.529   0.529   0.693   0.721   0.200
    DUL3    DU29   0.200   0.346   0.400   0.600   0.721   0.693   0.346
    DUL4   DU010   0.400   0.529   0.721   0.400   0.600   0.721   0.400
    DUL4   DU111   0.346   0.400   0.600   0.200   0.400   0.529   0.529
    DUL4   DU212   0.200   0.200   0.400   0.200   0.346   0.400   0.529
                    DUL3    DUL3    DUL4    DUL4
                    DU18    DU29   DU010   DU111
    DUL3    DU29   0.200
    DUL4   DU010   0.346   0.529
    DUL4   DU111   0.400   0.529   0.200
    DUL4   DU212   0.346   0.400   0.346   0.200
Linking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-1 DU1-2...
Linking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-3 DU1-8...
Linking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-3 DU2-9...
Linking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Linking DUL-1 DU1-2 and DUL-1 DU2-3...
Linking DUL-1 DU1-2 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Linking DUL-2 DU0-4 and DUL-2 DU1-5...
Linking DUL-2 DU0-4 and DUL-4 DU1-11...
Linking DUL-2 DU0-4 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Linking DUL-2 DU1-5 and DUL-2 DU2-6...
Linking DUL-3 DU0-7 and DUL-3 DU1-8...
Linking DUL-3 DU1-8 and DUL-3 DU2-9...
Linking DUL-4 DU0-10 and DUL-4 DU1-11...
Linking DUL-4 DU1-11 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

and with 5 residues:

inking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-1 DU1-2...
Linking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-3 DU1-8...
Linking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-3 DU2-9...
Linking DUL-1 DU0-1 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Linking DUL-1 DU1-2 and DUL-1 DU2-3...
Linking DUL-1 DU1-2 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Linking DUL-2 DU0-4 and DUL-2 DU1-5...
Linking DUL-2 DU0-4 and DUL-4 DU1-11...
Linking DUL-2 DU0-4 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Linking DUL-2 DU0-4 and DUL-5 DU2-15...
Linking DUL-2 DU1-5 and DUL-2 DU2-6...
Linking DUL-2 DU1-5 and DUL-5 DU2-15...
Linking DUL-3 DU0-7 and DUL-3 DU1-8...
Linking DUL-3 DU1-8 and DUL-3 DU2-9...
Linking DUL-4 DU0-10 and DUL-4 DU1-11...
Linking DUL-4 DU1-11 and DUL-4 DU2-12...
Linking DUL-5 DU0-13 and DUL-5 DU1-14...
Linking DUL-5 DU1-14 and DUL-5 DU2-15...
Opening force field file /home/swacker/System/gromacs/GMX46/amber99sb-ildn.ff/aminoacids.arn
Opening force field file /home/swacker/System/gromacs/GMX46/amber99sb-ildn.ff/dna.arn
Opening force field file /home/swacker/System/gromacs/GMX46/amber99sb-ildn.ff/rna.arn
Checking for duplicate atoms....
Generating any missing hydrogen atoms and/or adding termini.
Now there are 5 residues with 15 atoms
Making bonds...

Program gmx pdb2gmx, VERSION 5.1-dev-20140607-3db1d85
Source code file: /home/swacker/Install_Software/gromacs/src/gromacs/gmxpreprocess/pgutil.c, line: 125

Fatal error:
Residue 1 named DUL of a molecule in the input file was mapped
to an entry in the topology database, but the atom  used in
an interaction of type special bond in that entry is not found in the
input file. Perhaps your atom and/or residue naming needs to be

my specbonds.dat:
CYS SG  1   CYS SG  1   0.2 CYS2    CYS2
CYS SG  1   HEM     FE  2   0.25    CYS2    HEME
CYS SG  1   HEM     CAB 1   0.18    CYS2    HEME
CYS SG  1   HEM     CAC 1   0.18    CYS2    HEME
HIS NE2 1   HEM     FE  1   0.2 HIS1    HEME
MET SD  1   HEM     FE  1   0.24    MET HEME
CO      C       1       HEME    FE      1       0.19    CO      HEME
CYM     SG      1       CYM     SG      1       0.2     CYS2    CYS2

CRYST1   36.770   36.770   36.770  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 1           1
MODEL        1
ATOM      1  DU0 DUL L   1      16.653  16.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      2  DU1 DUL L   1      14.921  17.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      3  DU2 DUL L   1      13.189  16.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      4  DU0 DUL L   2      16.653  20.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      5  DU1 DUL L   2      14.921  21.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      6  DU2 DUL L   2      13.189  20.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      7  DU0 DUL L   3      20.117  14.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      8  DU1 DUL L   3      18.385  15.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM      9  DU2 DUL L   3      16.653  14.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     10  DU0 DUL L   4      20.117  18.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     11  DU1 DUL L   4      18.385  19.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     12  DU2 DUL L   4      16.653  18.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     13  DU0 DUL L   5      20.117  22.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     14  DU1 DUL L   5      18.385  23.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     15  DU2 DUL L   5      16.653  22.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     16  DU0 DUL L   6      23.581  16.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     17  DU1 DUL L   6      21.849  17.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     18  DU2 DUL L   6      20.117  16.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     19  DU0 DUL L   7      23.581  20.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     20  DU1 DUL L   7      21.849  21.052  18.385  1.00  0.00            
ATOM     21  DU2 DUL L   7      20.117  20.052  18.385  1.00  0.00  

aminoacids.rtp entry:
[ DUL ]
    [ atoms ]
        DU0 DUM  0.000   1
        DU1 DUM  0.000   2
        DU2 DUM  0.000   3

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