[gmx-users] essential dynamics and flooding
Kutzner, Carsten
ckutzne at gwdg.de
Thu Aug 6 14:37:43 CEST 2015
Hi Oskar,
> On 03 Aug 2015, at 11:27, Oskar Berntsson <oskar.berntsson at gu.se> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am simulating a protein and I want to sample conformations that are not commonly sampled using an equilibrium simulation. As far as I figure, what I want to use is essential dynamics.
> I am using gromacs VERSION 4.5.5
> My protein consists of ca 600 residues.
> I have run a 250 ns equilibrium simulation and calculated eigenvectors for the ca 600 Calphas using g_covar.
> I have tested to run essential dynamics using radial acceptence sampling and flooding, but I cannot seem to get it to work as I intend.
> I have studied the manual and the referenced literature but I cannot find out why I cannot get it to work.
> 1) When I use radial acceptence sampling the protein rapidly "unfolds". I have tried the commands below to generate my .edi file, in this case with the specific intention to make the protein not unfold.
> I would expect the simulation to run "maxedsteps" before a new expansion but after the first "eqsteps" the acceptance radius just increases with every step, which quickly deforms the protein and the simulation aborts after ca 2*maxedsteps steps.
>> make_edi -s struct.gro -f eigenvec.trr -eig eigenval.xvg -n index.ndx -radacc 1-3 -slope -1 -maxedsteps 500000 -eqsteps 500000 -mon 1-3 -o sam.edi
>> make_edi -s struct.gro -f eigenvec.trr -eig eigenval.xvg -n index.ndx -radacc 1-3 -slope 0 -maxedsteps 500000 -eqsteps 500000 -mon 1-3 -o sam.edi
> 2) When I have used flooding I rather have the opposite problem. I cannot force the structure to change one bit over a 50 ns simulation. I have attempted both constant flooding and adaptive flooding.
> Typically I have generated .edi files as follows
>> make_edi -s struct.gro -f eigenvec.trr -eig eigenval.xvg -n index.ndx -flood 1-3 -alpha 2 -o sam.edi -deltaF0 5 -tau 200
>> make_edi -s struict.gro -f eigenvec.trr -eig eigenval.xvg -n index.ndx -flood 1-3 -tau 0 -Eflnull 10 -alpha 2 -o sam.edi
> and I have used different deltaF0, tau and Eflnull
> -deltaF0 = 5-50000000 kJ/mol, tau = 200ps -20 ns and -Eflnull 10-500000000 kJ/mol
What are the flooding forces you get (e.g. in step 1)?
Do they at least vary with the values you set for deltaF0 or Eflnull?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Best regards
> Oskar
> --
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