[gmx-users] CNT is apparently broken during energy minimization step

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Fri Aug 14 15:02:08 CEST 2015

On 8/14/15 8:58 AM, Victor Rosas Garcia wrote:
> Hello Soumadwip,
> from a quick look, it seems to me that your topology is missing many bonds.
> The bonds section specifies atom numbers like "1   403", but I don't see
> bonds with atom numbers ranging in the 100's or the 200's. In addition, I
> don't see any bond angles defined.  I saw distortions similar to these
> while working with long-chain lipids, and my topologies were missing bond
> angle definitions.

I think this is just a side effect of uploading a partial file (to the OP: bad 
practice to do this, as it's just confusing, so either share a file or don't 
rather than trying to post what you think might be relevant).  Your point 
stands, though, as there are clearly missing or incorrect bonded interactions 
that distort the CNT.  The simplest check is to look at a few atoms that get 
clearly separated and check the parameters associated with them and their neighbors.


> Hope this helps
> Victor
> 2015-08-14 7:11 GMT-05:00 soumadwip ghosh <soumadwipghosh at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>>     I am simulating a 5X5 carbon nanotube in the presence of nucleic acids
>> in Tip3P water. I have made this nanotube using VMD nanotube builder and
>> made the topology using pdb2gmx. Upto the energy minimization step every
>> thing was fine but when I proceed for energy minimization I get the carbon
>> naotube crumpled when I view the em.gro file in VMD. It is worth mentioning
>> that the nucleic acid remains unchanged during the em process and when I am
>> going for NVT equilibration it does not produce any LINCS warning or stuffs
>> like that. So is it happening because a visualization tool is unaware of
>> the molecular topology or do I need to change some parameters in the em.mdp
>> file?
>> The cnt.itp file is as follows (partwise)
>> ;       File 'cnt.top' was generated
>> ;       By user: onbekend (0)
>> ;       On host: onbekend
>> ;       At date: Sat May 30 11:07:23 2015
>> ;
>> ;       This is a standalone topology file
>> ;
>> ;       It was generated using program:
>> ;       pdb2gmx_d - VERSION 4.5.6
>> ;
>> ;       Command line was:
>> ;       pdb2gmx_d -f nishCNT.pdb -o init.gro -p cnt.top
>> ;
>> ;       Force field was read from current directory or a relative path -
>> path addeed
>> [ moleculetype ]
>> ; Name            nrexcl
>> SDG                 3
>> [ atoms ]
>> ;   nr       type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass  typeB
>>     chargeB      massB
>> ; residue   0 SDG rtp SDG  q  0.0
>>       1         CA      0    SDG     C1      1          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       2         CA      0    SDG     C2      2          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       3         CA      0    SDG     C3      3          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       4         CA      0    SDG     C4      4          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       5         CA      0    SDG     C5      5          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       6         CA      0    SDG     C6      6          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       7         CA      0    SDG     C7      7          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       8         CA      0    SDG     C8      8          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>       9         CA      0    SDG     C9      9          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      10         CA      0    SDG    C10     10          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      11         CA      0    SDG    C11     11          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      12         CA      0    SDG    C12     12          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      13         CA      0    SDG    C13     13          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      14         CA      0    SDG    C14     14          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      15         CA      0    SDG    C15     15          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      16         CA      0    SDG    C16     16          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>>      17         CA      0    SDG    C17     17          0     12.011   ;
>> qtot 0
>> [ bonds ]
>> ;  ai    aj funct                   b0             kb
>>      1     2     1    C6   H3        0.108          284512.0
>>      1     6     1    C5   H4        0.108          284512.0
>>      1   403     1                   0.108          284512.0
>>      2     3     1    C4   C7        0.1375         255224.0
>>      2   385     1    C370 C386      0.1375         255224.0
>>      3     4     1    C5  C10        0.1375         255224.0
>>      3     7     1    C8 C369        0.1375         255224.0
>>      4     5     1    C6 C400        0.1375         255224.0
>>      5   400     1    C383 C399      0.1375         255224.0
>>      6   404     1                   0.108          284512.0
>>      7     8     1    C9  C11        0.1375         255224.0
>>      8     9     1    C10  C14       0.1375         255224.0
>>      8    11     1    C12 C353       0.1375         255224.0
>>      9    10     1    C4 C384        0.1375         255224.0
>>      9    14     1    C13 C368       0.1375         255224.0
>>     11    12     1    C13  C15       0.1375         255224.0
>>     11   353     1    C338 C354      0.1375         255224.0
>>     12    13     1    C14  C18       0.1375         255224.0
>>     12    15     1    C16 C337       0.1375         255224.0
>>     13    18     1    C17 C352       0.1375         255224.0
>>     14   368     1    C351 C367      0.1375         255224.0
>>     15    16     1    C17  C19       0.1375         255224.0
>>     15   337     1    C322 C338      0.1375         255224.0
>> [ angles ]
>> ;  ai    aj    ak funct            th0           cth            ubo
>>     cub
>>      2     1     6     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      2     1   403     5           120.00        251.04         0.21525
>>     18409.6
>>      6     1   403     5           120.00        251.04         0.21525
>>     18409.6
>>      1     2     3     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      1     2   385     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      3     2   385     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      2     3     4     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      2     3     7     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      4     3     7     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      3     4     5     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      4     5   400     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      1     6   404     5           120.00        251.04         0.21525
>>     18409.6
>>      3     7     8     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      7     8     9     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      7     8    11     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      9     8    11     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      8     9    10     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      8     9    14     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>     10     9    14     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      8    11    12     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>      8    11   353     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>>     12    11   353     5           120.00        334.72         0.24162
>>     29288.0
>> [ dihedrals ]
>> ;  ai    aj    ak    al funct            phi0           cp           mult
>>      6     1     2     3     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      6     1     2   385     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>    403     1     2     3     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>    403     1     2   385     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      2     1     6   404     9           180.00         17.5728        2
>>    403     1     6   404     9           180.00         10.0416        2
>>      1     2     3     4     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      1     2     3     7     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>    385     2     3     4     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>    385     2     3     7     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      1     2   385   386     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      3     2   385   386     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      2     3     4     5     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      7     3     4     5     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      2     3     7     8     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>>      4     3     7     8     9           180.00         12.9704        2
>> ; Include Position restraint file
>> #ifdef POSRES
>> #include "posre_cnt.itp"
>> #endif
>> My energy minimization.mdp file is as follows
>> ; minim.mdp - used as input into grompp to generate em.tpr
>> ; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
>> integrator      = steep         ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent
>> minimization)
>> emtol           = 1000.0        ; Stop minimization when the maximum force
>> < 1000.0 kJ/mol/nm
>> emstep          = 0.001          ; Energy step size
>> nsteps          = 5000          ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to
>> perform
>> ; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to
>> calculate the interactions
>> nstlist         = 1             ; Frequency to update the neighbor list and
>> long range forces
>> ns_type         = grid          ; Method to determine neighbor list
>> (simple, grid)
>> rlist           = 1.0           ; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short
>> range forces)
>> coulombtype     = PME           ; Treatment of long range electrostatic
>> interactions
>> rcoulomb        = 1.0           ; Short-range electrostatic cut-off
>> rvdw            = 1.0           ; Short-range Van der Waals cut-off
>> pbc             = xyz         ; Periodic Boundary Conditions (yes/no)
>> Here is how the CNT molecule looks like after energy minimization.
>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7SBnQ5YXQSLOUQwUFBnY3dGMnM
>> Last but not the least I am absolutely sure that my nano tube is
>> appropriately capped with hydrogen atoms. Every files are getting generated
>> and the equilibrations are also happening without any difficulty but the
>> CNT apparently is crumpled when visualized in VMD. what should I do?
>> I appreciate your help
>> Soumadwip
>> Research Fellow
>> India
>> --
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Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441


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