[gmx-users] NVIDIA GTX cards in Rackable servers, how do you do it ?

David McGiven davidmcgivenn at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 14:17:31 CET 2015

Dear Gromacs users and developers,

We are thinking about buying a new cluster of ten or twelve 1U/2U machines
with 2 Intel Xeon CPU's 8-12 cores each. Some of the 2600v2 or v3 series.
Not yet clear the details, we'll see.

I've been told in this list that NVIDIA GTX offer the best
performance/price ratio for gromacs 5.0.

However, I am wondering ... How do you guys use the GTX cards in rackable
servers ?

GTX cards are consummer grade, for personal workstations, gaming, and so on
and it's nearly impossible to find any servers manufacturer like HP, Dell,
SuperMicro, etc. to certify that those cards will function properly on
their servers.

What are your views about this ?


Best Regards

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