[gmx-users] Doubt about energies in a very simple system

IÑIGO SAENZ inigo.saenz01 at estudiant.upf.edu
Tue Feb 24 17:42:46 CET 2015


I designed a very simple system that is composed of only one Glutamine with
Tleap. I've transformed the corresponding .prmtop and .inpcrd into .top and
.gro files, using a conversor that I'm developing.

I attach .top  .gro and .mdp files

[ defaults ]
; nbfunc        comb-rule       gen-pairs       fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1        2        yes        0.5    0.83333

[ atomtypes ]
;name   bond_type     mass     charge   ptype   sigma         epsilon
 AA       AA          0.00000  0.00000   A       3.25000e-01
7.11280e-01 ; 1.82  0.1700
 AB       AB          0.00000  0.00000   A       1.06908e-01
6.56888e-02 ; 0.60  0.0157
 AC       AC          0.00000  0.00000   A       3.39967e-01
4.57730e-01 ; 1.91  0.1094
 AD       AD          0.00000  0.00000   A       2.47135e-01
6.56888e-02 ; 1.39  0.0157
 AE       AE          0.00000  0.00000   A       2.64953e-01
6.56888e-02 ; 1.49  0.0157
 AF       AF          0.00000  0.00000   A       3.39967e-01
3.59824e-01 ; 1.91  0.0860
 AG       AG          0.00000  0.00000   A       2.95992e-01
8.78640e-01 ; 1.66  0.2100

[ moleculetype ]
;name            nrexcl
sys      0

[ atoms ]
;   nr  type  resi  res  atom  cgnr     charge      mass       ; qtot

     1   AA     1   xxx    AA    1    -0.516300     14.01000   ; -0.516
     2   AB     1   xxx    AB    2     0.293600      1.00800   ; -0.223
     3   AC     1   xxx    AC    3     0.039700     12.01000   ; -0.183
     4   AD     1   xxx    AD    4     0.110500      1.00800   ; -0.073
     5   AC     1   xxx    AC    5     0.056000     12.01000   ; -0.017
     6   AE     1   xxx    AE    6    -0.017300      1.00800   ; -0.034
     7   AE     1   xxx    AE    7    -0.017300      1.00800   ; -0.051
     8   AC     1   xxx    AC    8     0.013600     12.01000   ; -0.038
     9   AE     1   xxx    AE    9    -0.042500      1.00800   ; -0.080
    10   AE     1   xxx    AE   10    -0.042500      1.00800   ; -0.123
    11   AF     1   xxx    AF   11     0.805400     12.01000   ; 0.683
    12   AG     1   xxx    AG   12    -0.818800     16.00000   ; -0.136
    13   AG     1   xxx    AG   13    -0.818800     16.00000   ; -0.955
    14   AF     1   xxx    AF   14     0.536600     12.01000   ; -0.418
    15   AG     1   xxx    AG   15    -0.581900     16.00000   ; -1.000

[ pairs ]

1     6     1
1     7     1
1     8     1
1     15    1
2     4     1
2     5     1
2     14    1
3     9     1
3     10    1
3     11    1
4     6     1
4     7     1
4     8     1
4     15    1
5     12    1
5     13    1
5     15    1
6     9     1
6     10    1
6     11    1
6     14    1
7     9     1
7     10    1
7     11    1
7     14    1
8     14    1
9     12    1
9     13    1
10    12    1
10    13    1

[ exclusions ]

1        2 3 4 5 14
2        1 3
3        1 2 4 5 6 7 8 14 15
4        1 3 5 14
5        1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 14
6         3 5 7 8
7         3 5 6 8
8         3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13
9         5 8 10 11
10        5 8 9 11
11        5 8 9 10 12 13
12        8 11 13
13        8 11 12
14        1 3 4 5 15
15        3 14

[ system ]

[ molecules ]
; Compound        nmols
sys         1

I have ommited [Bond] [angle] and [dihedral] section because they aren't
neccesary for my question. Now the .gro

    1  xxx   AA    1  0.3326  0.1548 -0.0000
    1  xxx   AB    2  0.3909  0.0724 -0.0000
    1  xxx   AC    3  0.3970  0.2846 -0.0000
    1  xxx   AD    4  0.3672  0.3400 -0.0890
    1  xxx   AC    5  0.3577  0.3654  0.1232
    1  xxx   AE    6  0.2497  0.3801  0.1241
    1  xxx   AE    7  0.3877  0.3116  0.2131
    1  xxx   AC    8  0.4267  0.4996  0.1195
    1  xxx   AE    9  0.5347  0.4850  0.1186
    1  xxx   AE   10  0.3967  0.5535  0.0296
    1  xxx   AF   11  0.3874  0.5805  0.2429
    1  xxx   AG   12  0.4595  0.5679  0.3454
    1  xxx   AG   13  0.2856  0.6542  0.2334
    1  xxx   AF   14  0.5486  0.2705 -0.0000
    1  xxx   AG   15  0.6009  0.1593 -0.0000
20.000000 20.000000 20.000000

and the SPE.mdp

dt = 0.001000
gen-vel =  no
gen-temp = 0.000000
pbc          = xyz
integrator   = md
nsteps       = 0
constraints  = none
constraint-algorithm  = SHAKE
rlist       = 1.200000
rcoulomb    = 1.200000
rvdw        = 1.200000
coulombtype = Cut-off
vdwtype     = Cut-off
vdw-modifier = None
coulomb-modifier = None
nstlog             = 1
nstenergy          = 1
nstcalcenergy      = 1
cutoff-scheme      = Verlet
comm-mode          = Linear
nstcomm            = 1
continuation = yes

My question is that when I execute a SPE of the original system in ACEMD, I
obtain the following VDW and coulomb energies

LJ              15.5754 KJ/Mol
COULOMB         123.8486 KJ/Mol

and in gromacs;

LJ-14                       14.3788     (kJ/mol)
Coulomb-14                  207.034     (kJ/mol)
LJ (SR)                     29.9432     (kJ/mol)
Coulomb (SR)                165.181     (kJ/mol)

Question/Observation number 1:

Gromacs LJ (SR) includes LJ-14 energies in its result, no? I mean, LJ (SR)
= "the energy of the LJ interactions of those pairs of atoms that are
within the cutoff radius, including those that are enlisted in the [ pairs
] section without applying the fudgeLJ to them"

LJ-14 = "the sum of the energies of the interactions between the pairs of
atoms enlisted in the [ pairs ] section, applying to each of these
interactions the fudgeLJ scaling factor"

ACEMD LJ energy is equal to Gromacs LJ(SR) - Gromacs(LJ-14)

15.5754 is approximately equal to 29.9432 - 14.3788 = 15.5644

Does my "hypothesis" make sense?

Question/Observation number 2:

Continuing with the logic that I have exposed and supposing that I'm right,
ACEMD Coulomb energy should be equal to Gromacs Coulomb(SR) -
Gromacs(Coulomb-14). But this is false...

ACEMD Coulomb energy = 123.8486
Gromacs Coulomb energy ? 165.181 - 207.034 = -41.853
This doesn't make any sense for me... Gromacs and ACEMD coulomb energies
should be approximately the same. Coulomb energy only depends on the
distance between atoms and their charges, it is even simpler than the
calculation of VDW energy, which depends on more parameters ( sigma,
epsilon ) and it gives very distinct results.
I'm missing something and I don't know what, I desperately need help

I also attach the input file of ACEMD

amber           on
parmfile        system.prmtop
coordinates     system.pdb
celldimension   200.0 200.0 200.0
outputunits     kj

cutoff          12
pairlistdist    12
timestep        1
rigidbonds      none
pairlistdist    12.0
exclude         scaled1-4
1-4scaling      0.8333
pme             off
hydrogenscale   1
switching     off

Please, let me know if you need to know something about how I generate the
.top or the .gro, or if you need to see the .prmtop

I've tried everything and this is driving me crazy.

Thank you very much for your help.

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