[gmx-users] results produced by auto-tuning of Coulomb cut-off/grid for PME can not be reproduced by manually setting the Coulomb cut-off and grid spacing

Mark Abraham mark.j.abraham at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 21:22:43 CET 2015

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 3:21 AM, Jiaqi Lin <jqlin at mit.edu> wrote:

> Dear GMX developers,
> I've encounter a problem in GROMACS concerning the auto-tuning feature of
> PME that bugged me for months. As stated in the title, the auto-tuning
> feature of mdrun changed my coulomb cutoff from 1.4 nm to ~3.3 nm (stated
> in md.log) when I set -npme to be 28 (128 total CPU cores), and this giving
> me interesting simulation results. When I use -notunepme, I found Coulomb
> (SR) and recip. giving me same energy but the actual simulation result is
> different. This i can understand: scaling between coulombic cut-off/grid
> size theoretically give same accuracy to electrostatics (according to GMX
> manual and PME papers), but there actually some numerical error due to grid
> mapping and even if the energy is the same that does not mean system
> configuration has to be the same (NVE ensemble: constant energy, different
> configuration).

Total electrostatic energy should be approximately the same with different
PME partitions.

> However the thing i don't understand is the following. I am interested in
> the result under large coulomb cut-off, so I try to manually set cut-off
> and grid space with -notunepme, using the value tuned by mdrun previously.
> This give me complete different simulation result, and the energy is also
> different. I've tried to set rlist, rlistlong, or both to equal rcoulomb
> (~3.3) still does not give me the result produced by auto-tuning PME.

In what sense is the result different?

> In addition, simulation speed dramatically reduces when I set rcoulomb to
> be ~3.3 (using -tunepme the speed remains nearly the same no matter how
> large the cutoff is tuned to). I've tested this in both GMX 4.6.5 and
> 5.0.1, same thing happens, so clearly it's not because of versions. Thus
> the question is: what exactly happened to PME calcualtion using the
> auto-tuning feature in mdrun, why it does give different results when I
> manually set the coulomb cutoff and grid space to the value tuned by mdrun
> without the auto-tuning feature (using -notunepme)? Thank you for help.

For the group scheme, these should all lead to essentially the same result
and (if tuned) performance. If you can share your various log files on a
file-sharing service (rc 1.4, rc 3.3, various -tunepme settings, 4.6.5 and
5.0.1) then we can be in a position to comment further.


> additional info: I use Group cutoff-scheme , rvdw is  1.2.
>  md.log file:
> DD  step 9 load imb.: force 29.4%  pme mesh/force 3.627
> step   30: timed with pme grid 280 280 384, coulomb cutoff 1.400: 1026.4
> M-cycles
> step   50: timed with pme grid 256 256 324, coulomb cutoff 1.464: 850.3
> M-cycles
> step   70: timed with pme grid 224 224 300, coulomb cutoff 1.626: 603.6
> M-cycles
> step   90: timed with pme grid 200 200 280, coulomb cutoff 1.822: 555.2
> M-cycles
> step  110: timed with pme grid 160 160 208, coulomb cutoff 2.280: 397.0
> M-cycles
> step  130: timed with pme grid 144 144 192, coulomb cutoff 2.530: 376.0
> M-cycles
> step  150: timed with pme grid 128 128 160, coulomb cutoff 2.964: 343.7
> M-cycles
> step  170: timed with pme grid 112 112 144, coulomb cutoff 3.294: 334.8
> M-cycles
> Grid: 12 x 14 x 14 cells
> step  190: timed with pme grid 84 84 108, coulomb cutoff 4.392: 346.2
> M-cycles
> step  190: the PME grid restriction limits the PME load balancing to a
> coulomb cut-off of 4.392
> step  210: timed with pme grid 128 128 192, coulomb cutoff 2.846: 360.6
> M-cycles
> step  230: timed with pme grid 128 128 160, coulomb cutoff 2.964: 343.6
> M-cycles
> step  250: timed with pme grid 120 120 160, coulomb cutoff 3.036: 340.4
> M-cycles
> step  270: timed with pme grid 112 112 160, coulomb cutoff 3.253: 334.3
> M-cycles
> step  290: timed with pme grid 112 112 144, coulomb cutoff 3.294: 334.7
> M-cycles
> step  310: timed with pme grid 84 84 108, coulomb cutoff 4.392: 348.0
> M-cycles
>               optimal pme grid 112 112 160, coulomb cutoff 3.253
> DD  step 999 load imb.: force 18.4%  pme mesh/force 0.918
> At step 1000 the performance loss due to force load imbalance is 6.3 %
> NOTE: Turning on dynamic load balancing
>            Step           Time         Lambda
>            1000       20.00000        0.00000
>    Energies (kJ/mol)
>            Bond       G96Angle        LJ (SR)   Coulomb (SR)   Coul. recip.
>     1.98359e+05    1.79181e+06   -1.08927e+07   -7.04736e+06 -2.32682e+05
>  Position Rest.      Potential    Kinetic En.   Total Energy Temperature
>     6.20627e+04   -1.61205e+07    4.34624e+06   -1.17743e+07 3.00659e+02
>  Pressure (bar)   Constr. rmsd
>     2.13582e+00    1.74243e-04
> Best
> Jiaqi
> --
> Jiaqi Lin
> postdoc fellow
> The Langer Lab
> --
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