[gmx-users] Error during NVT

Justin Lemkul jalemkul at vt.edu
Sat Jan 31 23:13:53 CET 2015

On 1/31/15 3:35 AM, neha bharti wrote:
> Hello all
> I am performing molecular dynamics simulation of Protein-Ligand complex in
> water.
> I docked the ligand molecule and performed its molecular dynamics
> simulation using  GROMOS96 53a6 force field. The ligand itp file is
> generated with the help of prodrg.

Raw PRODRG topologies are notoriously bad.  See 

> But during the NVT the system giving the following error message.
> Step 0, time 0 (ps)  LINCS WARNING
> relative constraint deviation after LINCS:
> rms 3.475746, max 40.868980 (between atoms 2137 and 2136)
> bonds that rotated more than 30 degrees:
>   atom 1 atom 2  angle  previous, current, constraint length
>     2174   2175   71.9    0.1010   0.0941      0.1000
>     2172   2174   74.8    0.1370   0.2308      0.1340
>     2079   2080   59.1    0.1531   0.2078      0.1530
>     2080   2081   87.3    0.1540   0.3014      0.1530
>     2082   2084  107.8    0.1257   1.2267      0.1250
>     2082   2083   52.0    0.1243   0.6202      0.1250
>     2137   2136   88.0    0.1345   5.5686      0.1330
>     2139   2137  123.5    0.1403   5.7269      0.1390
>     2138   2137   90.3    0.1102   4.0876      0.1090
>     2141   2139   88.3    0.1396   2.0444      0.1390
>     2140   2139   83.8    0.1095   0.5954      0.1090
>     2143   2141   90.4    0.1402   3.6931      0.1390
>     2142   2141   89.3    0.1095   1.2808      0.1090
>     2145   2143   89.3    0.1344   4.1272      0.1330
>     2144   2143   90.1    0.1103   2.9604      0.1090
>     2146   2145   99.7    0.1337   0.1015      0.1330
>     2147   2146   88.7    0.1354   0.2207      0.1330
>     2135   2134   67.1    0.1011   0.1855      0.1000
>     2147   2134   77.5    0.1355   0.2555      0.1330
>     2136   2134  117.3    0.1338   0.1883      0.1330
>     2005   2007   87.6    0.1475   2.9044      0.1330
>     1995   1996  138.0    0.1602   1.7197      0.1530
>     1997   1999  135.4    0.1334   0.1773      0.1330
>     1999   2003   45.6    0.1331   0.1962      0.1330
>     1999   2000   41.3    0.1091   0.1553      0.1090
>     1997   1998  126.5    0.1334   0.1666      0.1330
>     1998   2001   41.8    0.1330   0.1821      0.1330
>     1993   1995  128.4    0.1540   1.7394      0.1470
>     1991   1992  127.1    0.1238   0.1164      0.1230
>     1981   1991   71.5    0.1537   0.1183      0.1530
>     2007   2009   63.9    0.1466   4.1114      0.1470
>     2007   2008   64.6    0.0989   2.4912      0.1000
>     2014   2016   79.3    0.1352   0.2778      0.1330
>     2014   2015   53.1    0.1247   0.3961      0.1230
>     2016   2018   65.0    0.1480   0.0770      0.1470
>     2016   2017  108.7    0.1007   0.1168      0.1000
>     2167   2162   87.8    0.1420   3.1317      0.1390
>     2163   2162   84.0    0.1418   1.3696      0.1390
>     2165   2163   82.9    0.1400   1.1678      0.1390
>     2164   2163   84.9    0.1100   0.9701      0.1090
>     2171   2165   64.1    0.1417   0.3248      0.1390
>     2166   2165   79.7    0.1101   0.4717      0.1090
>     2169   2167   87.8    0.1401   4.7298      0.1390
>     2168   2167   88.1    0.1102   2.2550      0.1090
>     2171   2169   88.0    0.1420   3.3899      0.1390
>     2170   2169   86.2    0.1103   1.1563      0.1090
>     2172   2171   50.8    0.1411   0.4534      0.1390
>     2157   2149   33.0    0.1400   0.2001      0.1390
>     2157   2155   38.3    0.1397   0.2003      0.1390
>     2158   2157   66.0    0.1346   0.2301      0.1330
>     2160   2158   68.3    0.1366   0.2874      0.1340
>     2159   2158   73.0    0.1009   0.1552      0.1000
>     2162   2160   68.3    0.1411   0.7325      0.1390
>     2161   2160   73.0    0.1246   0.2199      0.1230
>     2009   2014  125.4    0.1616   2.0048      0.1530
>     2009   2010  123.0    0.1607   1.8944      0.1530
>     2010   2011   71.0    0.1542   0.5384      0.1530
>     2011   2013  114.5    0.1253   0.1983      0.1250
>     2011   2012  106.1    0.1253   0.1982      0.1250
>     2174   2172   67.9    0.1370   0.3000      0.1340
>     2173   2172   73.5    0.1247   0.2299      0.1230
>     2176   2174   61.6    0.1347   0.2307      0.1330
>     2175   2174   75.9    0.1010   0.1757      0.1000
>     2179   2176   41.2    0.1398   0.2094      0.1390
>     2177   2176   39.6    0.1398   0.2097      0.1390
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> Wrote pdb files with previous and current coordinates
> step 0Warning: 1-4 interaction between 2136 and 2141 at distance 2.463
> which is larger than the 1-4 table size 2.400 nm
> These are ignored for the rest of the simulation
> This usually means your system is exploding,
> if not, you should increase table-extension in your mdp file
> or with user tables increase the table size
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Program mdrun, VERSION 4.5.5
> Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.5.5/src/mdlib/pme.c, line: 538
> Fatal error:
> 1 particles communicated to PME node 4 are more than 2/3 times the cut-off
> out of the domain decomposition cell of their charge group in dimension x.
> This usually means that your system is not well equilibrated.
> For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the GROMACS
> website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
> But when I change the lincs constraints from all_bond to h-bonds it run
> successfully. Is this a correct way??

No.  The constraints are not the source of the problem, they're just the first 
thing to fail when the model physics breaks.  You're reducing the number of 
bonds that are constrained, but that doesn't eliminate the fact that your 
initial model had something physically wrong with it.

Troubleshoot properly with the advice at 
specifically point 2.


> Following are my em.mdp and nvt.mdp file :
> EM.mdp file:
> title        = Minimization    ; Title of run
> ; Parameters describing what to do, when to stop and what to save
> integrator    = steep        ; Algorithm (steep = steepest descent
> minimization)
> emtol        = 1000.0      ; Stop minimization when the maximum force <
> 10.0 kJ/mol
> emstep          = 0.01          ; Energy step size
> nsteps        = 50000          ; Maximum number of (minimization) steps to
> perform
> energygrps    = Protein <0>     ; Which energy group(s) to write to disk
> ; Parameters describing how to find the neighbors of each atom and how to
> calculate the interactions
> nstlist            = 1                ; Frequency to update the neighbor
> list and long range forces
> ns_type            = grid        ; Method to determine neighbor list
> (simple, grid)
> rlist            = 1.0        ; Cut-off for making neighbor list (short
> range forces)
> coulombtype        = PME        ; Treatment of long range electrostatic
> interactions
> rcoulomb        = 1.0        ; long range electrostatic cut-off
> rvdw            = 1.0        ; long range Van der Waals cut-off
> pbc            = xyz         ; Periodic Boundary Conditions
> NVT.mdp file:
> title       = Protein-ligand complex NVT equilibration
> define      = -DPOSRES  ; position restrain the protein and ligand
> ; Run parameters
> integrator  = md        ; leap-frog integrator
> nsteps      = 1000000     ; 2 * 1000000 = 2000 ps
> dt          = 0.002     ; 2 fs
> ; Output control
> nstxout     = 500
> nstvout     = 500
> nstenergy   = 500
> nstlog      = 500
> energygrps  = Protein <0>
> ; Bond parameters
> continuation               = no
> constraint_algorithm       = lincs
> constraints               = h-bonds
> lincs_iter               = 1
> lincs_order              = 4
> ; Neighborsearching
> ns_type         = grid      ; search neighboring grid cells
> nstlist         = 10        ; 20 fs, largely irrelevant with Verlet
> rcoulomb        = 1.4       ; short-range electrostatic cutoff (in nm)
> rlist           = 1.4
> rvdw            = 1.4       ; short-range van der Waals cutoff (in nm)
> ; Electrostatics
> coulombtype     = PME       ; Particle Mesh Ewald for long-range
> electrostatics
> pme_order       = 4         ; cubic interpolation
> fourierspacing  = 0.16      ; grid spacing for FFT
> ; Temperature coupling
> tcoupl      = V-rescale                     ; modified Berendsen thermostat
> tc-grps     = Protein_<0> Water_and_ions    ; two coupling groups - more
> accurate
> tau_t       = 0.1   0.1                     ; time constant, in ps
> ref_t       = 300   300                     ; reference temperature, one
> for each group, in K
> ; Pressure coupling
> pcoupl      = no        ; no pressure coupling in NVT
> ; Periodic boundary conditions
> pbc         = xyz       ; 3-D PBC
> ; Dispersion correction
> DispCorr    = EnerPres  ; account for cut-off vdW scheme
> ; Velocity generation
> gen_vel     = yes       ; assign velocities from Maxwell distribution
> gen_temp    = 300       ; temperature for Maxwell distribution
> gen_seed    = -1        ; generate a random seed
> Please Help.
> With Regards
> Neha Bharti


Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
School of Pharmacy
Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
University of Maryland, Baltimore
20 Penn St.
Baltimore, MD 21201

jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441


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