[gmx-users] Problem in Free Energy Calculations

shagun krishna krishna.shagun123 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 07:34:35 CET 2016

Hi Justin..
Thanks a ton to you. Finally I have completed the simulation of ligand in
solvent. In your earlier mail you have written that to calculate the
binding energy of protein-ligand I will need the nonbonded interaction
energy between protein-ligand coming from protein-ligand simulation and the
ligand-water interaction energy coming from the second simulation. For
final ΔG binding I should substract these two energies, if I am not wrong.
PLs suggest me.

Thanx in advance..

Best regards,


On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:

> On 1/4/16 6:25 AM, shagun krishna wrote:
>> Hii Justin,
>> Thanks for the suggestion. When I am performing the ligand simulation in
>> water I am getting the following error in nvt equilibration:
>> Program mdrun, VERSION 4.6.5
>> Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.6.5/src/mdlib/domdec_top.c,
>> line:
>> 393
>> Fatal error:
>> 56 of the 13118 bonded interactions could not be calculated because some
>> atoms involved moved further apart than the multi-body cut-off distance
>> (0.841804 nm) or the two-body cut-off distance (1.7 nm), see option -rdd,
>> for pairs and tabulated bonds also see option -ddcheck
>> For more information and tips for troubleshooting, please check the
>> website at http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Errors
> http://www.gromacs.org/Documentation/Terminology/Blowing_Up#Diagnosing_an_Unstable_System
> Your ligand topology is probably incorrect in some way.  Turn off the free
> energy code, use sensible cutoffs as required by the parent force field,
> and follow the above link.
> -Justin
> My nvt.mdp file is as follows:
>> ; Run control
>> integrator               = sd       ; Langevin dynamics
>> tinit                    = 0
>> dt                       = 0.002
>> nsteps                   = 50000    ; 100 ps
>> nstcomm                  = 100
>> ; Output control
>> nstxout                  = 500
>> nstvout                  = 500
>> nstfout                  = 0
>> nstlog                   = 500
>> nstenergy                = 500
>> nstxtcout                = 0
>> xtc-precision            = 1000
>> ; Neighborsearching and short-range nonbonded interactions
>> nstlist                  = 10
>> ns_type                  = grid
>> pbc                      = xyz
>> rlist                    = 1.7
>> ; Electrostatics
>> coulombtype              = PME
>> rcoulomb                 = 1.7
>> ; van der Waals
>> vdw-type                 = switch
>> rvdw-switch              = 0.8
>> rvdw                     = 0.9
>> ; Apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy and Pressure
>> DispCorr                  = EnerPres
>> ; Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT grid
>> fourierspacing           = 0.12
>> ; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters
>> pme_order                = 6
>> ewald_rtol               = 1e-06
>> epsilon_surface          = 0
>> optimize_fft             = no
>> ; Temperature coupling
>> ; tcoupl is implicitly handled by the sd integrator
>> tc_grps                  = system
>> tau_t                    = 1.0
>> ref_t                    = 300
>> ; Pressure coupling is off for NVT
>> Pcoupl                   = No
>> tau_p                    = 0.5
>> compressibility          = 4.5e-05
>> ref_p                    = 1.0
>> ; Free energy control stuff
>> free_energy              = yes
>> init_lambda              = 0.0
>> delta_lambda             = 0
>> foreign_lambda           = 0.05
>> sc-alpha                 = 0.5
>> sc-power                 = 1.0
>> sc-sigma                 = 0.3
>> couple-moltype           = 1M_R  ; name of moleculetype to decouple
>> couple-lambda0           = vdw      ; only van der Waals interactions
>> couple-lambda1           = none     ; turn off everything, in this case
>> only vdW
>> couple-intramol          = no
>> nstdhdl                  = 10
>> ; Generate velocities to start
>> gen_vel                  = yes
>> gen_temp                 = 300
>> gen_seed                 = -1
>> ; options for bonds
>> constraints              = h-bonds  ; we only have C-H bonds here
>> ; Type of constraint algorithm
>> constraint-algorithm     = lincs
>> ; Do not constrain the starting configuration
>> continuation             = no
>> ; Highest order in the expansion of the constraint coupling matrix
>> lincs-order              = 12
>> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 4:20 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>>> On 1/4/16 1:09 AM, shagun krishna wrote:
>>> Hi Justin,
>>>> You mean to say that I don't need to follow your Free Energy
>>>> Calculations
>>>> :
>>>> Methane in Water.
>>>> Actually I want to calculate the binding energy of my ligands with my
>>>> protein. All I should do is to run the one simulation of my ligands
>>>> simply
>>>> in water and another is the protein-ligand complex simulation, both for
>>>> 10ns. I am really very confused because I have gone through literature
>>>> and
>>>> all of them have calculated the value of α, β and  γ, which i guess can
>>>> be
>>>> calculated by using free energy codes.
>>>> I don't use the LIE algorithm, so I don't know all the details.  AFAIK
>>> these are empirical parameters to weight various contributions to the
>>> interaction energy.  LIE is ultimately an estimate of the free energy,
>>> and
>>> its accuracy depends on the quality of the fitted parameters.
>>> A rigorous free energy calculation is the best method for calculating
>>> free
>>> energy of binding.  For instance, LIE (again, AFAIK) relies solely on
>>> enthalpic terms, so it does not account for entropy unless you do
>>> additional work to figure this out separately.
>>> -Justin
>>> --
>>> ==================================================
>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>>> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>>> School of Pharmacy
>>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
>>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>>> 20 Penn St.
>>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>>> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
>>> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
>>> ==================================================
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> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
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