[gmx-users] Embedding a protein into a lipid box using CGMD

khourshaeishargh at mech.sharif.ir khourshaeishargh at mech.sharif.ir
Tue Mar 8 10:51:21 CET 2016

	Dear all

	during a part of martini tutorial it says: If a stable DPPC membrane with
the wanted box dimensions is already available, genbox will be able to insert the peptides in the
bilayer (the peptides have to be pre-centered and positioned to ensure
their presence inside the membrane).

	so my question is that, now I have a solvated box ( 128 dppc with 2000 CG
water ) and a pretein which is precentered as .gro file of solvated box.
how can I embed them using genbox? I tried to do that but I failed.

	Any comment would be helpful and I really appreciate it.

	best regards



	Ali khourshaei shargh (khourshaeishargh at mech.sharif.ir)

	Department of Mechanical Engineering

	Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

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