[gmx-users] Pull code slows down mdrun -- is this expected?

Christopher Neale chris.neale at alum.utoronto.ca
Tue May 17 22:41:11 CEST 2016

Dear Mark:

GROMACS-2016-beta1 is not any faster for this test case when using CPUs only and my previous usage, which was "gmx mdrun -ntmpi 4 -ntomp 6 -dlb yes -npme 0 -notunepme ..."

I was so far unable to compile this beta version for GPUs (somehow my gcc 4.4.7 can't find libstdc++ and the next version up that I have at the moment if gcc 5.1.0, which works for the CPU only compilation but it >4.9 so I cant use it with cuda). In any event, it seems unlikely that an optimization with openMP parallelization would only work with the GPU code, so it *appears* as if the slowdown that I see is not helped by this new parallelization

Thank you,

From: gromacs.org_gmx-users-bounces at maillist.sys.kth.se <gromacs.org_gmx-users-bounces at maillist.sys.kth.se> on behalf of Mark Abraham <mark.j.abraham at gmail.com>
Sent: 17 May 2016 15:40:55
To: gmx-users at gromacs.org
Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Pull code slows down mdrun -- is this expected?


Yes, it is likely that adding more and more calls to code that runs in
serial will have the kinds of effect you see. The good news is that Berk
added some OpenMP parallelization to the pull code for the the 2016
release, which is in the recent beta. If you're prepared to try that out
for speed, it would be much appreciated.

It would also be interesting for me (at least) if you could share such a
test case, so we can consider how best to implement future improvements
that are relevant for things people actually want to do.



On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 9:30 PM Christopher Neale <
chris.neale at alum.utoronto.ca> wrote:

> These benchmarking numbers are from gromacs v5.1.2. Forgot to mention that
> in my initial post.
> ________________________________________
> From: gromacs.org_gmx-users-bounces at maillist.sys.kth.se <
> gromacs.org_gmx-users-bounces at maillist.sys.kth.se> on behalf of
> Christopher Neale <chris.neale at alum.utoronto.ca>
> Sent: 17 May 2016 15:27:37
> To: gmx-users at gromacs.org
> Subject: [gmx-users] Pull code slows down mdrun -- is this expected?
> Dear Users:
> I am writing to ask if it is expected that the pull code slows down
> gromacs in such a way that a single pull group has fairly minor effect, but
> many groups collectively really bring down the throughput. Based on Mark's
> response to my previous post about the free energy code slowing things
> down, I'm guessing this is about non-optimized kernels, but I wanted to
> make sure.
> Specifically, I have an aqueous lipid bilayer system and I was trying to
> keep it fairly planar by using the pull code in the z-dimension only to
> restrain the headgroup phosphorus to a specified distance from the bilayer
> center, using a seperate pull-coord for each lipid.
> Without any such restraints, I get 55 ns/day with GPU/CPU execution.
> However, if I add 1, 2, 4, 16, 64, or 128 pull code restraints, then the
> speed goes to 52, 51, 50, 45, 32, and 22 ns/day respectively. That is using
> pull-coord*-geometry = distance. If I use the cylinder geometry, things are
> even worse: 51, 48, 44, 29, 14, and 9 ns/day for the same respective
> numbers of pull restraints.
> I have also tested that the same slowdown exists on CPU-only runs. Here,
> without the pull code I get 19 ns/day and with 2, 4, 16, 64, or 128 pull
> code restraints I get 19, 18, 18, 15, 9, and 6 ns/day respectively.
> In case it matters, my usage is like this for a single restraint and
> analogous for more restraints:
> pull=yes
> pull-ncoords = 1
> pull-ngroups = 2
> pull-group1-name = DPPC
> pull-coord1-geometry = distance
> pull-coord1-type = flat-bottom
> pull-coord1-vec = 0 0 1
> pull-coord1-start = no
> pull-coord1-init = 2.5
> pull-coord1-k = 1000
> pull-coord1-dim = N N Y
> pull-group2-name = DPPC_&_P_&_r_1
> pull-coord1-groups = 1 2
> ** note that I modified the source code to give a useful flat-bottom
> restraint for my usage, but I benchmarked also with the unmodified code so
> the timings have nothing to do with the modified code that I will
> eventually use.
> Thank you,
> Chris.
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