[gmx-users] [gmx-developers] GTX 680 non detected on OS X

Uliano Guerrini uliano.guerrini at unimi.it
Tue May 31 14:39:10 CEST 2016

Hi Mark,

the patch was active, in the sense that I pasted the 3 lines if (APPLE)…  in between of the corresponding location (not same lines) of the relevant file of gramacs 5.1.2.

I recompiled now without any difference (libcudart always static).


> On 31 May 2016, at 11:31, Mark Abraham <mark.j.abraham at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The point of the patch that I linked was to specifically disable static
> linking in what sounds like your case. What linking resulted from it? Do
> you even have shared libraries installed? What does NVIDIA do/recommend on
> Mac?
> Mark
> On Tue, 31 May 2016 11:25 Uliano Guerrini <uliano.guerrini at unimi.it> wrote:
>>> The output you pasted into that email clearly shows that libcudart is
>>> *statically* linked, so it's normal that it does not show up in the otool
>>> output (you can list the symbols in your binary with some OS X tool
>> similar
>>> to nm if you want to verify).
>>> I have *no Idea* of the mechanism that is able to load libcudart without
>>>> having it listed by otool -L
>>> The mechanism is called binary loader (if you linked statically) ;)
>> actually it seems that libcudart *is* statically linked to libgromacs
>> configuring with:
>> uliano at MacPro:~/local/src/gromacs_build$ cmake ../gromacs-5.1.2
>> -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/local;/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-7.5/lib"
>> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/gromacs  -DCUDA_HOST_COMPILER=/usr/bin/clang++
>> I get:
>> uliano at MacPro:~$ nm  /opt/gromacs/lib/libgromacs.1.dylib | grep cudart |
>> head
>> 000000000090cd70 t __ZN6cudart10configData11addArgumentEPKvmm
>> 000000000090cd30 t __ZN6cudart10configData5resetE4dim3S1_mP11CUstream_st
>> 000000000090cc90 t __ZN6cudart10configDataC1Ev
>> 000000000090ccd0 t __ZN6cudart10configDataC2Ev
>> 000000000090cd10 t __ZN6cudart10configDataD1Ev
>> 000000000090cd20 t __ZN6cudart10configDataD2Ev
>> 000000000092c160 t __ZN6cudart10cuosCallocEmm
>> 000000000092a3e0 t __ZN6cudart10cuosGetEnvEPKcPcm
>> 000000000092c140 t __ZN6cudart10cuosMallocEm
>> 000000000092a3d0 t __ZN6cudart10cuosSetEnvEPKcS1_
>> but still:
>> NOTE: Error occurred during GPU detection:
>>      CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version
>>      Can not use GPU acceleration, will fall back to CPU kernels.
>> so, maybe this is not a linking problem
>> uliano
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