[gmx-users] Unknown bond_atomtype CAY

Sameer Edirisinghe nootsam at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 04:14:55 CEST 2016

Dear Dr. Justin,

If the bond types have not added, following errors occuring with grompp,

1) ERROR 1 [file topol.top, line 108]:
  No default Bond types

2) ERROR 2 [file topol.top, line 168]:
  No default Angle types

3) ERROR 3 [file topol.top, line 426]:
  No default Ryckaert-Bell. types

Atom types are seems to be correct as i derived them from atomtype.atp

If the interaction don't cover by the force field, how can I define them in
ffbonded.itp file ?


On Sep 19, 2016 3:57 AM, "Justin Lemkul" <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:

> On 9/18/16 2:26 PM, Sameer Edirisinghe wrote:
>> Dear Dr. Justin,
>> Now i can understand what what i have mistaken there. How can i derive
>>  [bondtypes]
>> for bonds i have used in .rtp file ?
> Determine if you need to in the first place.  If grompp gives you errors
> about missing parameters, first verify that your choice of atom types is
> correct. Then, if there are in fact interactions that the force field
> doesn't cover:
> 1. Make sure your choice of force field was appropriate
> 2. Parametrize them in a manner consistent with the parent force field
> -Justin
> Regards
>> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 11:38 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:
>>> On 9/18/16 2:06 PM, Sameer Edirisinghe wrote:
>>> Dear Dr. Justin,
>>>> If atom names names cant use in ffbonded.itp file how should i add bond
>>>> interaction used in .rtp file  to ff..itp file ?  this is the part i
>>>> dont
>>>> understand. Do i need to modify ffnonbonded.itp file to correct the
>>>> "Unknown
>>>> bond_atomtype' error  which occurring while runing grompp ?  If so how i
>>>> should modify ffnonbonded.itp (I have attached my .rtp file herewith)
>>>> You do not need to modify ffnonbonded.itp.
>>> You added an atom name in ffbonded.itp - this makes no sense and you
>>> cannot do it.  Bonded and nonbonded interactions are defined by type.
>>> You must use atom names only in .rtp files, because the .rtp entry tells
>>> pdb2gmx which atoms are bonded, and how.  You can't do that by type
>>> because
>>> that is not a unique way to identify connectivity.  The list of [bonds]
>>> in
>>> the .rtp just tells pdb2gmx which atoms are connect, it is separate from
>>> a
>>> [bondtypes] directive, which says what parameters are assigned to each
>>> interaction type.
>>> -Justin
>>> Regards
>>>> Sameera
>>>> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 10:45 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 9/18/16 1:12 PM, Sameer Edirisinghe wrote:
>>>>> Dear Dr. Justin,
>>>>>> Thanks for the reply. Following is the whole .rtp file i used. ( As
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> said it was generated by using PRODRG)
>>>>>> You shouldn't use the charges from PRODRG.  They assume a united-atom
>>>>> force field, and are of very low quality.  You can't force them into
>>>>> working with OPLS-AA.  It's fundamentally wrong.
>>>>> If you want free help with a problem, you have to provide full
>>>>> information. Fragments of .rtp files are not helpful and it's a waste
>>>>> of
>>>>> time for those who are trying to give you advice.
>>>>> [ bondedtypes ]
>>>>> ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nrexcl HH14
>>>>>> RemoveDih
>>>>>>   1      1       3          1
>>>>>> ; MDI
>>>>>> [ MD ]
>>>>>>  [ atoms ]
>>>>>> CAY opls_135 0 1
>>>>>> CAX opls_135 0.048 2
>>>>>> CAW opls_135 0.047 2
>>>>>> CAV opls_135 0.144 2
>>>>>> OAU opls_154 -0.112 2
>>>>>> CAS opls_131 0.219 2
>>>>>> OAT opls_236 -0.41 2
>>>>>> NAO opls_900 0.073 2
>>>>>> HAO opls_250 -0.009 2
>>>>>> CAE opls_260 0.056 3
>>>>>> CAF opls_145 -0.018 3
>>>>>> HAF opls_140 0.004 3
>>>>>> CAA opls_145 -0.018 3
>>>>>> HAA opls_140 0.004 3
>>>>>> CAD opls_145 -0.018 3
>>>>>> HAD opls_140 0.004 3
>>>>>> CAC opls_145 -0.018 3
>>>>>> HAC opls_140 0.004 3
>>>>>> CAB opls_145 -0.022 4
>>>>>> CAG opls_071 0.044 4
>>>>>> CAH opls_145 -0.022 4
>>>>>> CAM opls_145 -0.008 5
>>>>>> HAM opls_140 0.008 5
>>>>>> CAL opls_145 -0.008 6
>>>>>> HAL opls_140 0.008 6
>>>>>> CAI opls_145 -0.008 7
>>>>>> HAI opls_140 0.008 7
>>>>>> CAJ opls_145 -0.008 8
>>>>>> HAJ opls_140 0.008 8
>>>>>> CAK opls_145 0.072 9
>>>>>> NAN opls_900 0.072 9
>>>>>> HAN opls_250 -0.009 9
>>>>>> CAP opls_131 0.214 9
>>>>>> OAQ opls_236 -0.419 9
>>>>>> OAR opls_154 -0.115 9
>>>>>> CAZ opls_135 0.14 9
>>>>>> CBA opls_135 0.045 9
>>>>>> CBB opls_135 0.01 10
>>>>>> CBC opls_135 -0.01 10
>>>>>> HA1 opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HA2 opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HA3 opls_140 -0.014 1
>>>>>> HAZ opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HA0 opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HAX opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HAY opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HAV opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HAW opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HAG opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HAH opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HA4 opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HA5 opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HBA opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HBB opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HBC opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HBD opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HBF opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HBG opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>> HBE opls_140 -0.013 1
>>>>>>  [ bonds ]
>>>>>>      CAY HA1
>>>>>>      CAY HA2
>>>>>>      CAY HA3
>>>>>>      CAX CAY
>>>>>>      CAX HAZ
>>>>>>      CAX HA0
>>>>>>      CAX CAW
>>>>>>      CAW HAX
>>>>>>      CAW HAY
>>>>>>      CAW CAV
>>>>>>      CAV HAV
>>>>>>      CAV HAW
>>>>>>      CAV OAU
>>>>>>      CAS OAU
>>>>>>      CAS OAT
>>>>>>      CAS NAO
>>>>>>      NAO HAO
>>>>>>      CAE NAO
>>>>>>      CAE CAF
>>>>>>      CAE CAD
>>>>>>      CAF HAF
>>>>>>      CAF CAA
>>>>>>      CAA HAA
>>>>>>      CAB CAA
>>>>>>      CAD HAD
>>>>>>      CAD CAC
>>>>>>      CAC HAC
>>>>>>      CAB CAC
>>>>>>      CAB CAG
>>>>>>      CAG HAG
>>>>>>      CAG HAH
>>>>>>      CAH CAG
>>>>>>      CAH CAM
>>>>>>      CAH CAI
>>>>>>      CAM HAM
>>>>>>      CAM CAL
>>>>>>      CAL HAL
>>>>>>      CAK CAL
>>>>>>      CAI HAI
>>>>>>      CAI CAJ
>>>>>>      CAJ HAJ
>>>>>>      CAK CAJ
>>>>>>      CAK NAN
>>>>>>      NAN HAN
>>>>>>      CAP NAN
>>>>>>      CAP OAQ
>>>>>>      CAP OAR
>>>>>>      CAZ OAR
>>>>>>      CAZ HA4
>>>>>>      CAZ HA5
>>>>>>      CAZ CBA
>>>>>>      CBA HBA
>>>>>>      CBA HBB
>>>>>>      CBA CBB
>>>>>>      CBB HBC
>>>>>>      CBB HBD
>>>>>>      CBB CBC
>>>>>>      CBC HBF
>>>>>>      CBC HBG
>>>>>>      CBC HBE
>>>>>> ffbonded.itp file modified with the relevant bonds as below (part has
>>>>>> mentioned below)
>>>>>> CAY   HA1     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;
>>>>>>   CAY   HA2     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;
>>>>>>   CAY   HA3     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;
>>>>>>   CAX   CAY     1    0.15220   265265.6   ;
>>>>>>   CAX   HAZ     1    0.10900   284512.0   ;
>>>>>> As I said before, you cannot use atom names in ffbonded.itp.
>>>>> I know atom name is irrelevant but im bit confused how to write .rtp
>>>>> without names for my 59 atom molecule.
>>>>>> The .rtp file *does* use atom names.  See the manual.  That part is
>>>>> fine.
>>>>> What you cannot do is try to assign parameters using names.  Those
>>>>> require
>>>>> types.
>>>>> -Justin
>>>>> regards
>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 10:09 PM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> On 9/18/16 12:30 PM, Sameer Edirisinghe wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear users,
>>>>>>> There is one thing i cannot clarify from gromacs manual which is
>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> following error occurred while running grompp
>>>>>>>> Fatal error:
>>>>>>>> Unknown bond_atomtype CAY
>>>>>>>>  I used to create .rtp file from atom types which are already
>>>>>>>> defined
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>  atomtype.atp file. But still above error occurring while running
>>>>>>>> grompp.
>>>>>>>> Not sure should i add again thes atoms to atp file and if so how to
>>>>>>>> add
>>>>>>>> them. Part of my rtp file is as below, I have modified the
>>>>>>>> ffbonded.itp
>>>>>>>> (only bond types added) successfully.
>>>>>>>> What did you add to ffbonded.itp?  Whatever it was is causing an
>>>>>>>> error.
>>>>>>>> Based on the .rtp entry below, it looks like you tried to use atom
>>>>>>> names
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> ffbonded.itp.  That's not right.  All interactions (bonded and
>>>>>>> nonbonded)
>>>>>>> are defined by atom type.  The name is irrelevant.  If you're
>>>>>>> re-using
>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>> OPLS-AA atom types, most of the bonded interactions should be present
>>>>>>> already.
>>>>>>> [ bondedtypes ]
>>>>>>> ; bonds  angles  dihedrals  impropers all_dihedrals nrexcl HH14
>>>>>>>> RemoveDih
>>>>>>>>   1      1       3          1
>>>>>>>> You're missing entries here if you're trying to create an
>>>>>>>> OPLS-derived
>>>>>>>> force field.  Look at oplsaa.ff/aminoacids.rtp
>>>>>>> ; MDI
>>>>>>> [ MD ]
>>>>>>>>  [ atoms ]
>>>>>>>> CAY opls_135  0.000  1
>>>>>>>> CAX opls_135  0.048 2
>>>>>>>> CAW opls_135  0.047 2
>>>>>>>> CAV opls_135  0.144 2
>>>>>>>> OAU opls_154 -0.112 2
>>>>>>>> This can't possibly be right.  You've defined only heavy atoms
>>>>>>>> (OPLS-AA
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> an all-atom force field, so there should be H) and the net charge of
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> residue is +0.117, which is physical nonsense.  Based on the names
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> suspect charges, it looks like you're just porting over a PRODRG
>>>>>>> united-atom topology and trying to call it OPLS-AA.  That's not going
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> work.
>>>>>>> Note that you also need [bonds] if you want the residue to actually
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> chemically reasonable, otherwise it's just a collection of atoms
>>>>>>> sitting
>>>>>>> near one another, which will immediately explode if you try to run a
>>>>>>> simulation.
>>>>>>> -Justin
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ==================================================
>>>>>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>>>>>>> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>>>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>>>>>>> School of Pharmacy
>>>>>>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
>>>>>>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>>>>>>> 20 Penn St.
>>>>>>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>>>>>>> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
>>>>>>> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
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>>>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>>>>> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>>>>> School of Pharmacy
>>>>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
>>>>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>>>>> 20 Penn St.
>>>>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>>>>> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
>>>>> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
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>>> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
>>> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
>>> School of Pharmacy
>>> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
>>> University of Maryland, Baltimore
>>> 20 Penn St.
>>> Baltimore, MD 21201
>>> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
>>> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
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> --
> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow
> Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
> School of Pharmacy
> Health Sciences Facility II, Room 629
> University of Maryland, Baltimore
> 20 Penn St.
> Baltimore, MD 21201
> jalemkul at outerbanks.umaryland.edu | (410) 706-7441
> http://mackerell.umaryland.edu/~jalemkul
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