[gmx-users] Fwd: Unusual bonding between residues in vmd

Mark Abraham mark.j.abraham at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 08:21:26 CEST 2017


Probably there's a mismatch between the coordinate file you loaded in VMD
and what's in the XTC. For example, you didn't write the ligand to the XTC.


On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 8:10 AM ISHRAT JAHAN <jishrat17 at gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ISHRAT JAHAN <jishrat17 at gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 11:35 AM
> Subject: Unusual bonding between residues in vmd
> To: gromacs.org_gmx-users at maillist.sys.kth.se
> Dear all,
> I was trying to do the simulation of 100 ns of protein and drug in gromacs
> v- 5.1.4 using amber99sb.ff but i have stopped the simulation in between
> i.e at 40 ns. By using 40 ns .xtc file i have generated .gro file after
> applying pbc condition and when i load the .gro file in  Vmd i got the
> followung error-
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  509 (none) and 20136 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  509 (none) and 25255 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  509 (none) and 25255 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  509 (none) and 19182 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  509 (none) and 19206 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12546 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18490 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18490 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18557 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18599 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 19269 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 19281 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 19667 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 19667 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 24324 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 25047 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12454 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12454 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18599 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 19248 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 19248 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 20005 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 20005 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 24324 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12450 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12450 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12454 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12928 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18599 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18599 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 24324 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 24324 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12454 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12454 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 12454 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 18599 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 19248 (waters)
> Warning) Unusual bond between residues:  510 (none) and 24324 (waters)
> Will anyone help me to solve the above problem.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
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