[gmx-users] lipid molecular director axis definition

Mohsen Ramezanpour ramezanpour.mohsen at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 18:44:09 CET 2017

Thanks, Justin.

I think so. Sure, I will.

On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 5:56 AM, Justin Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:

> On 11/9/17 6:21 PM, Mohsen Ramezanpour wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I have a system formed of lipids (DOPE). I would like to know the average
>> angle of the "molecular director axis" with z-direction. Using g_angle it
>> should be easy. However, my question is regarding the molecular director
>> axis.
>> Is there any definition for how to determine a "lipid molecular axis"?
>> If yes, is this definition applicable to all lipids, e.g. PC, PE, PS
>> lipids, disregards the angle the headgroups makes with the lipid/water
>> interface?
>> I looked at the literature but I could not find any definition.
>> For instance, such an angle was calculated in the following article.
>> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17598103
>> However, I could not find how the molecular director axis was defined.
> It appears to be the principal axis of the lipid molecule, but probably
> the authors of that study can tell you how it was done, either via GROMACS
> tools or their own code. I'm not sure how GROMACS tools would calculate
> that quantity.
> -Justin
> --
> ==================================================
> Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry
> 303 Engel Hall
> 340 West Campus Dr.
> Blacksburg, VA 24061
> jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129
> http://www.biochem.vt.edu/people/faculty/JustinLemkul.html
> ==================================================
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