[gmx-users] cmap
Justin Lemkul
jalemkul at vt.edu
Mon Nov 27 00:11:25 CET 2017
On 11/26/17 6:06 PM, MD wrote:
> Hi,
> I had to repost this cause of the size of the previous thread.
> I had another error after grompp, "ERROR 1 [file topol_Protein_chain_E.itp,
> line 52165]:
> Unknown cmap torsion between atoms 3022 3024 3026 3046 3049"
> The 3022 3024 3026 3046 3049 in the itp files referred to the backbone
> (C-N-CA-C-N) of three connected residues R-W-T..
> I found out it is the W that causing issue. I am not sure why it has one
> CC, two OT1 instead of one C and O like the rest of the Trp residues in
> the protein. This is the only Trp that has these parameters.
> Any suggestions?
This is the C-terminal Trp residue, hence the carbonyl becomes a
carboxylate. There should not be a CMAP generated for a C-terminal
residue and pdb2gmx should have removed that interaction.
If this is the residue preceding CSO, then you are getting a false chain
termination because you haven't added CSO to residuetypes.dat.
> residue 196 TRP rtp TRP q -1.0
> 3024 NH1 196 TRP N 3024 -0.47 14.007 ;
> qtot 8.53
> 3025 H 196 TRP HN 3025 0.31 1.008 ;
> qtot 8.84
> 3026 CT1 196 TRP CA 3026 0.07 12.011 ;
> qtot 8.91
> 3027 HB1 196 TRP HA 3027 0.09 1.008 ;
> qtot 9
> 3028 CT2 196 TRP CB 3028 -0.18 12.011 ;
> qtot 8.82
> 3029 HA2 196 TRP HB1 3029 0.09 1.008 ;
> qtot 8.91
> 3030 HA2 196 TRP HB2 3030 0.09 1.008 ;
> qtot 9
> 3031 CY 196 TRP CG 3031 -0.03 12.011 ;
> qtot 8.97
> 3032 CA 196 TRP CD1 3032 -0.15 12.011 ;
> qtot 8.82
> 3033 HP 196 TRP HD1 3033 0.22 1.008 ;
> qtot 9.04
> 3034 NY 196 TRP NE1 3034 -0.51 14.007 ;
> qtot 8.53
> 3035 H 196 TRP HE1 3035 0.37 1.008 ;
> qtot 8.9
> 3036 CPT 196 TRP CE2 3036 0.24 12.011 ;
> qtot 9.14
> 3037 CPT 196 TRP CD2 3037 0.11 12.011 ;
> qtot 9.25
> 3038 CAI 196 TRP CE3 3038 -0.25 12.011 ;
> qtot 9
> 3039 HP 196 TRP HE3 3039 0.17 1.008 ;
> qtot 9.17
> 3040 CA 196 TRP CZ3 3040 -0.2 12.011 ;
> qtot 8.97
> 3041 HP 196 TRP HZ3 3041 0.14 1.008 ;
> qtot 9.11
> 3042 CAI 196 TRP CZ2 3042 -0.27 12.011 ;
> qtot 8.84
> 3043 HP 196 TRP HZ2 3043 0.16 1.008 ;
> qtot 9
> 3044 CA 196 TRP CH2 3044 -0.14 12.011 ;
> qtot 8.86
> 3045 HP 196 TRP HH2 3045 0.14 1.008 ;
> qtot 9
> 3046 CC 196 TRP C 3046 0.34 12.011 ;
> qtot 9.34
> 3047 OC 196 TRP OT1 3047 -0.67 15.9994 ;
> qtot 8.67
> 3048 OC 196 TRP OT2 3048 -0.67 15.9994 ;
> qtot 8
Justin A. Lemkul, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech Department of Biochemistry
303 Engel Hall
340 West Campus Dr.
Blacksburg, VA 24061
jalemkul at vt.edu | (540) 231-3129
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